Continuous and Transparent User Identity Verification for Secure Internet Services

Continuous and Transparent User IdentityVerification for Secure Internet ServicesAndrea Ceccarelli, Leonardo Montecchi, Francesco Brancati, Paolo Lollini,Angelo Marguglio, and Andrea Bondavalli, Member, IEEEAbstract—Session management in distributed Internet services is traditionally based on username and password, explicit logouts andmechanisms of user session expiration using classic timeouts. Emerging biometric solutions allow substituting username andpassword with biometric data during session establishment, but in such an approach still a single verification is deemed sufficient, andthe identity of a user is considered immutable during the entire session. Additionally, the length of the session timeout may impact onthe usability of the service and consequent client satisfaction. This paper explores promising alternatives offered by applying biometricsin the management of sessions. A secure protocol is defined for perpetual authentication through continuous user verification. Theprotocol determines adaptive timeouts based on the quality, frequency and type of biometric data transparently acquired from the user.The functional behavior of the protocol is illustrated through Matlab simulations, while model-based quantitative analysis is carried outto assess the ability of the protocol to contrast security attacks exercised by different kinds of attackers. Finally, the current prototypefor PCs and Android smartphones is discussed.Index Terms—Security, web servers, mobile environments, authenticationÇ1 INTRODUCTIONSECURE user authentication is fundamental in most ofmodern ICT systems. User authentication systems aretraditionally based on pairs of username and password andverify the identity of the user only at login phase. No checksare performed during working sessions, which are terminatedby an explicit logout or expire after an idle activityperiod of the user.Security of web-based applications is a serious concern,due to the recent increase in the frequency and complexityof cyber-attacks; biometric techniques [10] offer emergingsolution for secure and trusted authentication, where usernameand password are replaced by biometric data. However,parallel to the spreading usage of biometric systems,the incentive in their misuse is also growing, especially consideringtheir possible application in the financial and bankingsectors [20], [11].Such observations lead to arguing that a single authenticationpoint and a single biometric data cannot guarantee asufficient degree of security [5], [7]. In fact, similarly to traditionalauthentication processes which rely on usernameand password, biometric user authentication is typically formulatedas a “single shot” [8], providing user verificationonly during login phase when one or more biometric traitsmay be required. Once the user’s identity has been verified,the system resources are available for a fixed period of timeor until explicit logout from the user. This approachassumes that a single verification (at the beginning of thesession) is sufficient, and that the identity of the user is constantduring the whole session. For instance, we considerthis simple scenario: a user has already logged into a security-critical service, and then the user leaves the PC unattendedin the work area for a while. This problem is eventrickier in the context of mobile devices, often used in publicand crowded environments, where the device itself can belost or forcibly stolen while the user session is active, allowingimpostors to impersonate the user and access strictlypersonal data. In these scenarios, the services where theusers are authenticated can be misused easily [8], [5]. Abasic solution is to use very short session timeouts and periodicallyrequest the user to input his/her credentials overand over, but this is not a definitive solution and heavilypenalizes the service usability and ultimately the satisfactionof users.To timely detect misuses of computer resources and preventthat an unauthorized user maliciously replaces anauthorized one, solutions based on multi-modal biometriccontinuous authentication [5] are proposed, turning user verificationinto a continuous process rather than a onetimeoccurrence [8]. To avoid that a single biometric trait isforged, biometrics authentication can rely on multiple biometricstraits. Finally, the use of biometric authenticationallows credentials to be acquired transparently, i.e., withoutexplicitly notifying the user or requiring his/her interaction,which is essential to guarantee better service usability. Wepresent some examples of transparent acquisition of biometricdata. Face can be acquired while the user is located infront of the camera, but not purposely for the acquisition of_ A. Ceccarelli, L. Montecchi, P. Lollini, and A. Bondavalli are with theDepartment of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Firenze, VialeMorgagni 65, 50134 Firenze, Italy. E-mail: {andrea.ceccarelli,leonardo.montecchi, paolo.lollini, bondavalli} F. Brancati is with Resiltech S.R.L., Piazza Iotti 25, 56025 Pontedera,Pisa, Italy. E-mail: A. Marguglio is with Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., VialeRegione Siciliana 7275, 90146 Palermo, Italy.E-mail: received 12 Nov. 2012; revised 18 Dec. 2013; accepted 22 Dec.2013. Date of publication 8 Jan. 2014; date of current version 15 May 2015.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TDSC.2013.2297709270 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, VOL. 12, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 20151545-5971 _ 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.the biometric data; e.g., the user may be reading a textualSMS or watching a movie on the mobile phone. Voice canbe acquired when the user speaks on the phone, or withother people nearby if the microphone always capturesbackground. Keystroke data can be acquired whenever theuser types on the keyboard, for example, when writing anSMS, chatting, or browsing on the Internet. This approachdifferentiates from traditional authentication processes,where username/password are requested only once at logintime or explicitly required at confirmation steps; such traditionalauthentication approaches impair usability forenhanced security, and offer no solutions against forgery orstealing of passwords.This paper presents a new approach for user verificationand session management that is applied in the contextaware security by hierarchical multilevel architectures(CASHMA) [1]) system for secure biometric authenticationon the Internet. CASHMA is able to operate securely withany kind of web service, including services with high securitydemands as online banking services, and it is intendedto be used from different client devices, e.g., smartphones,Desktop PCs or even biometric kiosks placed at the entranceof secure areas. Depending on the preferences and requirementsof the owner of the web service, the CASHMAauthentication service can complement a traditional authenticationservice, or can replace it.The approach we introduced in CASHMA for usable andhighly secure user sessions is a continuous sequential (a singlebiometric modality at once is presented to the system [22])multi-modal biometric authentication protocol, which adaptivelycomputes and refreshes session timeouts on the basisof the trust put in the client. Such global trust is evaluated asa numeric value, computed by continuously evaluating thetrust both in the user and the (biometric) subsystems used foracquiring biometric data. In the CASHMA context, eachsubsystem comprises all the hardware/software elementsnecessary to acquire and verify the authenticity of one biometrictrait, including sensors, comparison algorithms andall the facilities for data transmission and management.Trust in the user is determined on the basis of frequency ofupdates of fresh biometric samples, while trust in each subsystemis computed on the basis of the quality and varietyof sensors used for the acquisition of biometric samples,and on the risk of the subsystem to be intruded.Exemplary runs carried out using Matlab are reported,and a quantitative model-based security analysis of theprotocol is performed combining the stochastic activitynetworks (SANs [16]) and ADversary VIew Security Evaluation(ADVISE [12]) formalisms.The driving principles behind our protocol were brieflydiscussed in the short paper [18], together with minor qualitativeevaluations. This paper extends [18] both in thedesign and the evaluation parts, by providing an in-depthdescription of the protocol and presenting extensive qualitativeand quantitative analysis.The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2introduces the preliminaries to our work. Section 3 illustratesthe architecture of the CASHMA system, whileSections 4 describes our continuous authentication protocol.Exemplary simulations of the protocol using Matlabare shown in Section 5, while Section 6 presents aquantitative model-based analysis of the security propertiesof the protocol. Section 7 present the running prototype,while concluding remarks are in Section 8.2 PRELIMINARIES2.1 Continuous AuthenticationA significant problem that continuous authentication aimsto tackle is the possibility that the user device (smartphone,table, laptop, etc.) is used, stolen or forcibly taken after theuser has already logged into a security-critical service, orthat the communication channels or the biometric sensorsare hacked.In [7] a multi-modal biometric verification system isdesigned and developed to detect the physical presence ofthe user logged in a computer. The proposed approachassumes that first the user logs in using a strong authenticationprocedure, then a continuous verification process isstarted based on multi-modal biometric. Verification failuretogether with a conservative estimate of the time requiredto subvert the computer can automatically lock it up. Similarly,in [5] a multi-modal biometric verification system ispresented, which continuously verifies the presence of auser working with a computer. If the verification fails, thesystem reacts by locking the computer and by delaying orfreezing the user’s processes.The work in [8] proposes a multi-modal biometric continuousauthentication solution for local access to high-securitysystems as ATMs, where the raw data acquired areweighted in the user verification process, based on i) type ofthe biometric traits and ii) time, since different sensors areable to provide raw data with different timings. Point ii)introduces the need of a temporal integration method whichdepends on the availability of past observations: based onthe assumption that as time passes, the confidence in theacquired (aging) values decreases. The paper applies adegeneracy function that measures the uncertainty of thescore computed by the verification function. In [22], despitethe focus is not on continuous authentication, an automatictuning of decision parameters (thresholds) for sequentialmulti-biometric score fusion is presented: the principle toachieve multimodality is to consider monomodal biometricsubsystems sequentially.In [3] a wearable authentication device (a wristband) ispresented for a continuous user authentication and transparentlogin procedure in applications where users arenomadic. By wearing the authentication device, the usercan login transparently through a wireless channel, and cantransmit the authentication data to computers simplyapproaching them.2.2 Quantitative Security EvaluationSecurity assessment relied for several years on qualitativeanalyses only. Leaving aside experimental evaluation anddata analysis [26], [25], model-based quantitative securityassessment is still far from being an established techniquedespite being an active research area.Specific formalisms for security evaluation have beenintroduced in literature, enabling to some extent the quantificationof security. Attack trees are closely related to faulttrees: they consider a security breach as a system failure,CECCARELLI ET AL.: CONTINUOUS AND TRANSPARENT USER IDENTITY VERIFICATION FOR SECURE INTERNET SERVICES 271and describe sets of events that can lead to system failure ina combinatorial way [14]; they however do not consider thenotion of time. Attack graphs [13] extend attack trees byintroducing the notion of state, thus allowing more complexrelations between attacks to be described. Mission orientedrisk and design analysis (MORDA) assesses system risk bycalculating attack scores for a set of system attacks. Thescores are based on adversary attack preferences and theimpact of the attack on the system [23]. The recently introducedAdversary VIew Security Evaluation formalism [12]extends the attack graph concept with quantitative informationand supports the definition of different attackersprofiles.In CASHMA assessment, the choice of ADVISE wasmainly due to: i) its ability to model detailed adversary profiles,ii) the possibility to combine it with other stochasticformalisms as the M€obius multi-formalism [15], and iii) theability to define ad-hoc metrics for the system we were targeting.This aspect is explored in Section 6.2.3 Novelty of Our ApproachOur continuous authentication approach is grounded ontransparent acquisition of biometric data and on adaptivetimeout management on the basis of the trust posed in theuser and in the different subsystems used for authentication.The user session is open and secure despite possibleidle activity of the user, while potential misuses are detectedby continuously confirming the presence of the proper user.Our continuous authentication protocol significantly differsfrom the work we surveyed in the biometric field as itoperates in a very different context. In fact, it is integrated ina distributed architecture to realize a secure and usableauthentication service, and it supports security-critical webservices accessible over the Internet. We remark thatalthough some very recent initiatives for multi-modal biometricauthentication over the Internet exist (e.g., the BioIDBaaS—Biometric Authentication as a Service is presented in2011 as the first multi-biometric authentication service basedon the Single Sign-On [4]), to the authors’ knowledge none ofsuch approaches supports continuous authentication.Another major difference with works [5] and [7] is thatour approach does not require that the reaction to a userverification mismatch is executed by the user device (e.g.,the logout procedure), but it is transparently handled by theCASHMA authentication service and the web services,which apply their own reaction procedures.The length of the session timeout in CASHMA is calculatedaccording to the trust in the users and the biometricsubsystems, and tailored on the security requirements ofthe service. This provides a tradeoff between usability andsecurity. Although there are similarities with the overallobjectives of the decay function in [8] and the approach forsequential multi-modal system in [22], the reference systemsare significantly different. Consequently, differentrequirements in terms of data availability, frequency, quality,and security threats lead to different solutions [27].2.4 Basic DefinitionsIn this section we introduce the basic definitions that areadopted in this paper. Given n unimodal biometricsubsystems Sk, with k ¼ 1; 2; :::; n that are able to decideindependently on the authenticity of a user, the False Non-Match Rate, FNMRk, is the proportion of genuine comparisonsthat result in false non-matches. False non-match is thedecision of non-match when comparing biometric samplesthat are from same biometric source (i.e., genuine comparison)[10]. It is the probability that the unimodal system Skwrongly rejects a legitimate user. Conversely, the FalseMatch Rate, FMRk, is the probability that the unimodal subsystemSk makes a false match error [10], i.e., it wronglydecides that a non legitimate user is instead a legitimate one(assuming a fault-free and attack-free operation). Obviously,a false match error in a unimodal system would leadto authenticate a non legitimate user. To simplify the discussionbut without losing the general applicability of theapproach, hereafter we consider that each sensor allowsacquiring only one biometric trait; e.g., having n sensorsmeans that at most n biometric traits are used in our sequentialmultimodal biometric system.The subsystem trust level mðSk; tÞ is the probability that theunimodal subsystem Sk at time t does not authenticate animpostor (a non-legitimate user) considering both the qualityof the sensor (i.e., FMRk) and the risk that the subsystemis intruded.The user trust level g(u, t) indicates the trust placed bythe CASHMA authentication service in the user u attime t, i.e., the probability that the user u is a legitimateuser just considering his behavior in terms of device utilization(e.g., time since last keystroke or other action)and the time since last acquisition of biometric data.The global trust level trustðu; tÞ describes the belief that attime t the user u in the system is actually a legitimate user,considering the combination of all subsystems trust levelsmðSk¼1;:::n; tÞ and of the user trust level g(u, t).The trust threshold gmin is a lower threshold on the globaltrust level required by a specific web service; if the resultingglobal trust level at time t is smaller than gmin (i.e.,gðu; tÞ < gmin), the user u is not allowed to access to the service.Otherwise if g(u,t) _ gmin the user u is authenticatedand is granted access to the service.3 THE CASHMA ARCHITECTURE3.1 Overall View of the SystemThe overall system is composed of the CASHMA authenticationservice, the clients and the web services (Fig. 1),connected through communication channels. Each communicationchannel in Fig. 1 implements specific securitymeasures which are not discussed here for brevity.Fig. 1. Overall view of the CASHMA architecture.272 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, VOL. 12, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2015The CASHMA authentication service includes: i) anauthentication server, which interacts with the clients, ii) a setof high-performing computational servers that perform comparisonsof biometric data for verification of the enrolledusers, and iii) databases of templates that contain the biometrictemplates of the enrolled users (these are required for userauthentication/verification). The web services are the variousservices that use the CASHMA authentication service anddemand the authentication of enrolled users to theCASHMA authentication server. These services are potentiallyany kind of Internet service or application withrequirements on user authenticity. They have to be registeredto the CASHMA authentication service, expressingalso their trust threshold. If the web services adopt the continuousauthentication protocol, during the registration processthey shall agree with the CASHMA registration officeon values for parameters h; k and s used in Section 4.2.Finally, by clients we mean the users’ devices (laptop anddesktop PCs, smartphones, tablet, etc.) that acquire the biometricdata (the raw data) corresponding to the various biometrictraits from the users, and transmit those data to theCASHMA authentication server as part of the authenticationprocedure towards the target web service. A client containsi) sensors to acquire the raw data, and ii) theCASHMA application which transmits the biometric data tothe authentication server. The CASHMA authenticationserver exploits such data to apply user authentication andsuccessive verification procedures that compare the rawdata with the stored biometric templates.Transmitting raw data has been a design decisionapplied to the CASHMA system, to reduce to a minimumthe dimension, intrusiveness and complexity of the applicationinstalled on the client device, although we are awarethat the transmission of raw data may be restricted, forexample, due to National legislations.CASHMA includes countermeasures to protect the biometricdata and to guarantee users’ privacy, including policiesand procedures for proper registration; protection ofthe acquired data during its transmission to the authenticationand computational servers and its storage; robustnessimprovement of the algorithm for biometric verification[24]. Privacy issues still exist due to the acquisition of datafrom the surrounding environment as, for example, voicesof people nearby the CASHMA user, but are considered outof scope for this paper.The continuous authentication protocol explored in thispaper is independent from the selected architectural choicesand can work with no differences if templates and featuresets are used instead of transmitting raw data, or independentlyfrom the set of adopted countermeasures.3.2 Sample Application ScenarioCASHMA can authenticate to web services, ranging fromservices with strict security requirements as online bankingservices to services with reduced security requirements asforums or social networks. Additionally, it can grant accessto physical secure areas as a restricted zone in an airport, ora military zone (in such cases the authentication system canbe supported by biometric kiosk placed at the entrance ofthe secure area). We explain the usage of the CASHMAauthentication service by discussing the sample applicationscenario in Fig. 2 where a user u wants to log into an onlinebanking service using a smartphone.It is required that the user and the web service areenrolled to the CASHMA authentication service. Weassume that the user is using a smartphone where aCASHMA application is installed.The smartphone contacts the online banking service,which replies requesting the client to contact the CASHMAauthentication server and get an authentication certificate.Using the CASHMA application, the smartphone sends itsunique identifier and biometric data to the authenticationserver for verification. The authentication server verifies theuser identity, and grants the access if: i) it is enrolled in theCASHMA authentication service, ii) it has rights to accessthe online banking service and, iii) the acquired biometricdata match those stored in the templates database associatedto the provided identifier. In case of successful userverification, the CASHMA authentication server releases anauthentication certificate to the client, proving its identity tothird parties, and includes a timeout that sets the maximumduration of the user session. The client presents this certificateto the web service, which verifies it and grants access tothe client.The CASHMA application operates to continuouslymaintain the session open: it transparently acquires biometricdata from the user, and sends them to the CASHMAauthentication server to get a new certificate. Such certificate,which includes a new timeout, is forwarded to the webservice to further extend the user session.3.3 The CASHMA CertificateIn the following we present the information contained in thebody of the CASHMA certificate transmitted to the client bythe CASHMA authentication server, necessary to understanddetails of the protocol.Time stamp and sequence number univocally identify eachcertificate, and protect from replay attacks.ID is the user ID, e.g., a number.Decision represents the outcome of the verification procedurecarried out on the server side. It includes the expirationtime of the session, dynamically assigned by the CASHMAauthentication server. In fact, the global trust level and thesession timeout are always computed considering the timeinstant in which the CASHMA application acquires the biometricdata, to avoid potential problems related to unknowndelays in communication and computation. Since suchdelays are not predicable, simply delivering a relative timeoutvalue to the client is not feasible: the CASHMA serverFig. 2. Example scenario: accessing an online banking service using asmartphone.CECCARELLI ET AL.: CONTINUOUS AND TRANSPARENT USER IDENTITY VERIFICATION FOR SECURE INTERNET SERVICES 273therefore provides the absolute instant of time at which thesession should expire.4 THE CONTINUOUS AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOLThe continuous authentication protocol allows providingadaptive session timeouts to a web service to set up andmaintain a secure session with a client. The timeout isadapted on the basis of the trust that the CASHMA authenticationsystem puts in the biometric subsystems and in theuser. Details on the mechanisms to compute the adaptivesession timeout are presented in Section Description of the ProtocolThe proposed protocol requires a sequential multi-modalbiometric system composed of n unimodal biometric subsystemsthat are able to decide independently on theauthenticity of a user. For example, these subsystems can beone subsystem for keystroke recognition and one for facerecognition.The idea behind the execution of the protocol is that theclient continuously and transparently acquires and transmitsevidence of the user identity to maintain access to aweb service. The main task of the proposed protocol is tocreate and then maintain the user session adjusting the sessiontimeout on the basis of the confidence that the identityof the user in the system is genuine.The execution of the protocol is composed of two consecutivephases: the initial phase and the maintenance phase.The initial phase aims to authenticate the user into the systemand establish the session with the web service. During themaintenance phase, the session timeout is adaptively updatedwhen user identity verification is performed using fresh rawdata provided by the client to the CASHMA authenticationserver. These two phases are detailed hereafter with thehelp of Figs. 3 and 4.Initial phase. This phase is structured as follows:_ The user (the client) contacts the web service for aservice request; the web service replies that a validcertificate from the CASHMA authentication serviceis required for authentication._ Using the CASHMA application, the client contactsthe CASHMA authentication server. The first stepconsists in acquiring and sending at time t0 the datafor the different biometric traits, specifically selectedto perform a strong authentication procedure (step 1).The application explicitly indicates to the user thebiometric traits to be provided and possible retries._ The CASHMA authentication server analyzes thebiometric data received and performs an authenticationprocedure. Two different possibilities arisehere. If the user identity is not verified (the globaltrust level is below the trust threshold gmin), newor additional biometric data are requested (backto step 1) until the minimum trust threshold gminis reached. Instead if the user identity is successfullyverified, the CASHMA authentication serverauthenticates the user, computes an initial timeoutof length T0 for the user session, set the expirationtime at T0 þ t0, creates the CASHMA certificateand sends it to the client (step 2)._ The client forwards the CASHMA certificate to theweb service (step 3) coupling it with its request._ The web service reads the certificate and authorizesthe client to use the requested service (step 4) untiltime t0 þ T0.For clarity, steps 1-4 are represented in Fig. 3 for the caseof successful user verification only.Maintenance phase. It is composed of three steps repeatediteratively:_ When at time ti the client application acquires fresh(new) raw data (corresponding to one biometric trait),it communicates them to the CASHMA authenticationserver (step 5). The biometric data can beacquired transparently to the user; the user may howeverdecide to provide biometric data which areunlikely acquired in a transparent way (e.g., fingerprint).Finally when the session timeout is going toexpire, the client may explicitly notify to the user thatfresh biometric data are needed._ The CASHMA authentication server receives the biometricdata from the client and verifies the identityof the user. If verification is not successful, the useris marked as not legitimate, and consequently theCASHMA authentication server does not operate torefresh the session timeout. This does not imply thatthe user is cut-off from the current session: if otherbiometric data are provided before the timeoutexpires, it is still possible to get a new certificate andrefresh the timeout. If verification is successful, theCASHMA authentication server applies the algorithmdetailed in Section 4.2 to adaptively compute anew timeout of length Ti, the expiration time of thesession at time Ti þ ti and then it creates and sends anew certificate to the client (step 6)._ The client receives the certificate and forwards it tothe web service; the web service reads the certificateFig. 3. Initial phase in case of successful user authentication.Fig. 4. Maintenance phase in case of successful user verification.274 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, VOL. 12, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2015and sets the session timeout to expire at time ti þ Ti(step 7).The steps of the maintenance phase are represented inFig. 4 for the case of successful user verification (step 6b).4.2 Trust Levels and Timeout ComputationThe algorithm to evaluate the expiration time of the sessionexecutes iteratively on the CASHMA authentication server.It computes a new timeout and consequently the expirationtime each time the CASHMA authentication server receivesfresh biometric data from a user. Let us assume that the initialphase occurs at time t0 when biometric data is acquiredand transmitted by the CASHMA application of the user u,and that during the maintenance phase at time ti > t0 forany i ¼ 1; :::;m new biometric data is acquired by theCASHMA application of the user u (we assume these dataare transmitted to the CASHMA authentication server andlead to successful verification, i.e., we are in the conditionsof Fig. 4). The steps of the algorithm described hereafter areexecuted.To ease the readability of the notation, in the followingthe user u is often omitted; for example, gðtiÞ ¼ gðu; tiÞ.4.2.1 Computation of Trust in the SubsystemsThe algorithm starts computing the trust in the subsystems.Intuitively, the subsystem trust level could be simply set tothe static value mðSk; tÞ ¼ 1 _ FMRðSkÞ for each unimodalsubsystem Sk and any time t (we assume that informationon the subsystems used, including their FMRs, is containedin a repository accessible by the CASHMA authenticationserver). Instead we apply a penalty function to calibrate thetrust in the subsystems on the basis of its usage. Basically,in our approach the more the subsystem is used, the less itis trusted: to avoid that a malicious user is required tomanipulate only one biometric trait (e.g., through sensorspoofing [10]) to keep authenticated to the online service,we decrease the trust in those subsystems which are repeatedlyused to acquire the biometric data.In the initial phase mðSk; t0Þ is set to 1 _ FMRðSkÞ foreach subsystem Sk used. During the maintenance phase, apenalty function is associated to consecutive authenticationsperformed using the same subsystem as follows:penalty ðx; hÞ ¼ ex_h;where x is the number of consecutive authenticationattempts using the same subsystem and h > 0 is aparameter used to tune the penalty function. This functionincreases exponentially; this means that using the same subsystemfor several authentications heavily increases thepenalty.The computation of the penalty is the first step for thecomputation of the subsystem trust level. If the samesubsystem is used in consecutive authentications, thesubsystem trust level is a multiplication of i) the subsystemtrust level mðSk; ti_1Þ computed in the previous executionof the algorithm, and ii) the inverse of the penaltyfunction (the higher is the penalty, the lower is the subsystemtrust level):mðSk; tiÞ ¼ mðSk; ti_1Þ _ ðpenalty ðx; hÞÞ_1:Otherwise if the subsystem is used for the first time or innon-consecutive user identity verification, mðSk; tiÞ is setto 1 _ FMRðSkÞ. This computation of the penalty is intuitivebut fails if more than one subsystem are compromised(e.g., two fake biometric data can be provided inan alternate way). Other formulations that include thehistory of subsystems usage can be identified but areoutside the scope of this paper.4.2.2 Computation of Trust in the UserAs time passes from the most recent user identity verification,the probability that an attacker substituted to the legitimateuser increases, i.e., the level of trust in the userdecreases. This leads us to model the user trust levelthrough time using a function which is asymptoticallydecreasing towards zero. Among the possible models weselected the function in (1), which: i) asymptoticallydecreases towards zero; ii) yields trustðti_1Þ for D ti ¼ 0;and iii) can be tuned with two parameters which control thedelay ðsÞ and the slope ðkÞ with which the trust leveldecreases over time (Figs. 5 and 6). Different functions maybe preferred under specific conditions or users requirements;in this paper we focus on introducing the protocol,which can be realized also with other functions.During the initial phase, the user trust level is simply setto gðt0Þ ¼ 1. During the maintenance phase, the user trustlevel is computed for each received fresh biometric data.The user trust level at time ti is given by:gðtiÞ ¼__arctanððDti _ sÞ _ kÞ þ p2__ trustðti_1Þ_arctanð_s _ kÞ þ p2: (1)Fig. 5. Evolution of the user trust level when k ¼ ½0:01; 0:05; 0:1_ ands ¼ 40. Fig. 6. Evolution of the user trust level when k ¼ 0:05 and s ¼ ½20; 40; 60_.CECCARELLI ET AL.: CONTINUOUS AND TRANSPARENT USER IDENTITY VERIFICATION FOR SECURE INTERNET SERVICES 275Value D ti ¼ ti _ ti_1 is the time interval betweentwo data transmissions; trustðti_1Þ instead is the globaltrust level computed in the previous iteration of thealgorithm. Parameters k and s are introduced to tune thedecreasing function: k impacts on the inclination towardsthe falling inflection point, while s translates the inflectionpoint horizontally, i.e., allows anticipating or delayingthe decay.Figs. 5 and 6 show the user trust level for different valuesof s and k. Note that s and k allow adapting the algorithm todifferent services: for example, services with strict securityrequirements as banking services may adopt a high k valueand a small s value to have a faster decrease of the user trustlevel. Also we clarify that in Figs. 5, 6 and in the following ofthe paper, we intentionally avoid using measurements unitsfor time quantities (e.g., seconds), since they depend uponthe involved application and do not add significant value tothe discussion.4.2.3 Merging User Trust and Subsystems Trust:The Global Trust LevelThe global trust level is finally computed combining theuser trust level with the subsystem trust level.In the initial phase, multiple subsystems may be used toperform an initial strong authentication. Let n be the numberof different subsystems, the global trust level is firstcomputed during the initial phase as follows:trustðt0Þ ¼ 1 _ Pk¼1;…;nð1 _mðSk; t0ÞÞ: (2)Equation (2) includes the subsystem trust level of all subsystemsused in the initial phase. We remind that for thefirst authentication mðSk; t0Þ is set to 1 _ FMRðSkÞ. The differentsubsystems trust levels are combined adopting theOR-rule from [2], considering only the false acceptance rate:each subsystem proposes a score, and the combined score ismore accurate than the score of each individual subsystem.The first authentication does not consider trust in the userbehavior, and only weights the trust in the subsystems. TheFNMR is not considered in this computation because it onlyimpact on the reliability of the session, while the user trustlevel is intended only for security.Instead, the global trust level in the maintenance phase isa linear combination of the user trust level and the subsystemtrust level. Given the user trust level gðtiÞ and the subsystemtrust level mðSk; tiÞ, the global trust level is computed againadopting the OR-rule from [2], this time with only two inputvalues. Result is as follows:trustðtiÞ ¼ 1 _ ð1 _ gðtiÞÞ ð1 _mðSk; tiÞÞ¼ gðtiÞ þ mðSk; tiÞ _ gðtiÞ mðSk; tiÞ¼ gðtiÞ þ ð1 _ gðtiÞÞ mðSk; tiÞ:(3)4.2.4 Computation of the Session TimeoutThe last step is the computation of the length Ti of the sessiontimeout. This value represents the time required by theglobal trust level to decrease until the trust threshold gmin(if no more biometric data are received). Such value can bedetermined by inverting the user trust level function (1) andsolving it for D ti.Starting from a given instant of time ti, we considertiþ1 as the instant of time at which the global trust levelreaches the minimum threshold gmin, i.e., gðtiþ1Þ ¼ gmin.The timeout is then given by Ti ¼ D ti ¼ tiþ1 _ ti. Toobtain a closed formula for such value we first instantiated(1) for i þ 1, i.e., we substituted trustðti_1Þ withtrustðtiÞ; D ti ¼ Ti and gðtiÞ ¼ gmin.By solving for Ti, we finally obtain Equation (4), whichallows the CASHMA service to dynamically compute thesession timeout based on the current global trust level. Theinitial phase and the maintenance phase are computed inthe same way: the length Ti of the timeout at time ti for theuser u is:Ti ¼ tangmin _ ðarctanð_s _ kÞ _ p2ÞtrustðtiÞþ p2_ __ 1kþs ifTi > 00 otherwise:8<:(4)It is then trivial to set the expiration time of the certificateat Ti þ ti.In Fig. 7 the length Ti of the timeout for different valuesof gmin is shown; the higher is gmin, the higher are the securityrequirements of the web service, and consequently theshorter is the timeout.5 EXEMPLARY RUNSThis section reports Matlab executions of the protocol. Fourdifferent biometric traits acquired through four differentsubsystems are considered for biometric verification: voice,keystroke, fingerprint, and face.We associate the following FMRs to each of them: 0.06 tothe voice recognition system (vocal data is acquired througha microphone), 0.03 to the fingerprint recognition system(the involved sensor is a fingerprint reader; the correspondingbiometric data are not acquired transparently but areexplicitly provided by the user), 0.05 to the facial recognitionsystem (the involved sensor is a camera), and 0.08 tokeystroke recognition (a keyboard or a touch/tactile-screencan be used for data acquisition). Note that the FMRs mustbe set on the basis of the sensors and technologies used. Wealso assume that the initial phase of the protocol needs onlyone raw data.Fig. 7. Timeout values for gmin2 ½0:1; 0:9_; k ¼ 0:05 and s ¼ 40.276 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, VOL. 12, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2015The first scenario, depicted in Fig. 8, is a simple but representativeexecution of the protocol: in 900 time units, theCASHMA authentication server receives 20 fresh biometricdata from a user and performs successful verifications. Theupper part of Fig. 8 shows the behavior of the user trustlevel (the continuous line) with the gmin threshold (thedashed line) set to gmin¼ 0:7. In the lower graph the evolutionof the session timeout is shown (it is the continuousline). When the continuous line intersects the dashed line,the timeout expires. The time units are reported on thex-axis. The k and s parameters are set to k ¼ 0:05 ands ¼ 100. The first authentication is at time unit 112, followedby a second one at time unit 124. The global trust level afterthese first two authentications is 0.94. The correspondingsession timeout is set to expire at time unit 213: if no freshbiometric data are received before time unit 213, the globaltrust level intersects the threshold gmin. Indeed, this actuallyhappens: the session closes, and the global trust level is setto 0. Session remains closed until a new authentication attime unit 309 is performed. The rest of the experiment runsin a similar way.The next two runs provide two examples of how thethreshold gmin and the parameters k and s can be selected tomeet the security requirements of the web service. We representthe execution of the protocol to authenticate to twoweb services with very different security requirements: thefirst with low security requirements, and the second withsevere security requirements.Fig. 9 describes the continuous authentication protocolfor the first system. The required trust on the legitimacy ofthe user is consequently reduced; session availability andtransparency to the user are favored. The protocol is tunedto maintain the session open with sparse authentications.Given gmin¼ 0:6, and parameters s ¼ 200 and k ¼ 0:005 setfor a slow decrease of user trust level, the plot in Fig. 9 contains10 authentications in 1,000 time units, showing aunique timeout expiration after 190 time units from the firstauthentication.Fig. 10 describes the continuous authentication protocolapplied to a web service with severe security requirements.In this case, session security is preferred to sessionavailability or transparency to the user: the protocol is tunedto maintain the session open only if biometric data are providedfrequently and with sufficient alternation betweenthe available biometric traits. Fig. 10 represents the globaltrust level of a session in which authentication data are provided40 times in 1,000 time units using gmin¼ 0:9, and theparameters s ¼ 90 and k ¼ 0:003 set for rapid decrease.Maintaining the session open requires very frequent transmissionsof biometric data for authentication. This comes atthe cost of reduced usability, because a user which does notuse the device continuously will most likely incur in timeoutexpiration.6 SECURITY EVALUATIONA complete analysis of the CASHMA system was carriedout during the CASHMA project [1], complementing traditionalsecurity analysis techniques with techniques forquantitative security evaluation. Qualitative security analysis,having the objective to identify threats to CASHMA andselect countermeasures, was guided by general andaccepted schemas of biometric attacks and attack points as[9], [10], [11], [21]. A quantitative security analysis of thewhole CASHMA system was also performed [6]. As thispaper focuses on the continuous authentication protocolrather than the CASHMA architecture, we briefly summarizethe main threats to the system identified within theproject (Section 6.1), while the rest of this section (Section6.2) focuses on the quantitative security assessment ofthe continuous authentication protocol.6.1 Threats to the CASHMA SystemSecurity threats to the CASHMA system have been analyzedboth for the enrollment procedure (i.e., initial registrationof an user within the system), and the authenticationprocedure itself. We report here only on authentication. Thebiometric system has been considered as decomposed inFig. 8. Global trust level (top) and session timeout (bottom) in a nominalscenario.Fig. 9. Global trust level and 10 authentications for a service with lowsecurity requirements.Fig. 10. Global trust level and 40 authentications for a service with highsecurity requirements.CECCARELLI ET AL.: CONTINUOUS AND TRANSPARENT USER IDENTITY VERIFICATION FOR SECURE INTERNET SERVICES 277functions from [10]. For authentication, we considered collectionof biometric traits, transmission of (raw) data, featuresextraction, matching function, template search andrepository management, transmission of the matchingscore, decision function, communication of the recognitionresult (accept/reject decision).Several relevant threats exist for each function identified[9], [10], [11]. For brevity, we do not consider threatsgeneric of ICT systems and not specific for biometrics(e.g., attacks aimed to Deny of Service, eavesdropping,man-in-the-middle, etc.). We thus mention the following.For the collection of biometric traits, we identified sensorspoofing and untrusted device, reuse of residuals tocreate fake biometric data, impersonation, mimicry andpresentation of poor images (for face recognition). For thetransmission of (raw) data, we selected fake digital biometric,where an attacker submits false digital biometric data.For the features extraction, we considered insertion ofimposter data, component replacement, override of featureextraction (the attacker is able to interfere with the extractionof the feature set), and exploitation of vulnerabilitiesof the extraction algorithm. For the matching function,attacks we considered are insertion of imposter data, componentreplacement, guessing, manipulation of matchscores. For template search and repository management,all attacks considered are generic for repositories and notspecific to biometric systems. For the transmission of thematching score, we considered manipulation of matchscore. For the decision function, we considered hill climbing(the attacker has access of thematching score, and iterativelysubmits modified data in an attempt to raise theresulting matching score), system parameter override/modification (the attacker has the possibility to change keyparameters as system tolerances in feature matching), componentreplacement, decision manipulation. For the communicationof recognition result, we considered onlyattacks typical of Internet communications.Countermeasures were selected appropriately for eachfunction on the basis of the threats identified.6.2 Quantitative Security Evaluation6.2.1 Scenario and Measures of InterestFor the quantitative security evaluation of the proposedprotocol we consider a mobile scenario, where a registereduser uses the CASHMA service through a client installed ona mobile device like a laptop, a smartphone or a similardevice. The user may therefore lose the device, or equivalentlyleave it unattended for a time long enough for attackersto compromise it and obtain authentication. Moreover,the user may lose the control of the device (e.g., he/she maybe forced to hand over it) while a session has already beenestablished, thus reducing the effort needed by the attacker.In the considered scenario the system works with three biometrictraits: voice, face, and fingerprint.A security analysis on the first authentication performedto acquire the first certificate and open a secure session hasbeen provided in [6]. We assume here that the attacker hasalready been able to perform the initial authentication (or toaccess to an already established session), and we aim toevaluate how long he is able to keep the session alive, atvarying of the parameters of the continuous authenticationalgorithm and the characteristics of the attacker. The measuresof interest that we evaluate in this paper are the following:i) PkðtÞ: Probability that the attacker is able to keep thesession alive until the instant t, given that the session hasbeen established at the instant t ¼ 0; ii) Tk: Mean time forwhich the attacker is able to keep the session alive.Since most of the computation is performed server-side,we focus on attacks targeting the mobile device. In order toprovide fresh biometric data, the attacker has to compromiseone of the three biometric modalities. This can beaccomplished in several ways; for example, by spoofing thebiometric sensors (e.g., by submitting a recorded audio sample,or a picture of the accounted user), or by exploitingcyber-vulnerabilities of the device (e.g., through a “reuse ofresiduals” attack [9]). We consider three kind of abilities forattackers: spoofing, as the ability to perform sensor spoofingattacks, hacking as the ability to perform cyber attacks, andlawfulness, as the degree to which the attacker is prepared tobreak the law.The actual skills of the attacker influence the chance of asuccessful attack, and the time required to perform it. Forexample, having a high hacking skill reduces the timerequired to perform the attack, and also increases the successprobability: an attacker having high technological skillsmay able to compromise the system is such a way that theeffort required to spoof sensors is reduced (e.g., by alteringthe data transmitted by the client device).6.2.2 The ADVISE [12] FormalismThe analysis method supported by ADVISE relies on creatingexecutable security models that can be solved using discrete-event simulation to provide quantitative metrics. Oneof the most significant features introduced by this formalismis the precise characterization of the attacker (the“adversary”) and the influence of its decisions on the finalmeasures of interest.The specification of an ADVISE model is composed oftwo parts: an Attack Execution Graph (AEG), describinghow the adversary can attack the system, and an adversaryprofile, describing the characteristics of the attacker. AnAEG is a particular kind of attack graph comprising differentkinds of nodes: attack steps, access domains, knowledgeitems, attack skills, and attack goals. Attack steps describethe possible attacks that the adversary may attempt, whilethe other elements describe items that can be owned byattackers (e.g., intranet access). Each attack step requires acertain combination of such items to be held by the adversary;the set of what have been achieved by the adversarydefines the current state of the model. ADVISE attack stepshave also additional properties, which allow creating executablemodels for quantitative analysis. The adversary profiledefines the set of items that are initially owned by theadversary, as well as his proficiency in attack skills. Theadversary starts without having reached any goal, andworks towards them. To each attack goal it is assigned apayoff value, which specifies the value that the adversaryassigns to reaching that goal. Three weights define the relativepreference of the adversary in: i) maximizing the payoff,ii) minimizing costs, or iii) minimizing the probability278 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, VOL. 12, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2015of being detected. Finally, the planning horizon defines thenumber of steps in the future that the adversary is able totake into account for his decisions; this value can be thoughtto model the “smartness” of the adversary.The ADVISE execution algorithm evaluates the reachablestates based on enabled attack steps, and selects the mostappealing to the adversary based on the above describedweights. The execution of the attack is then simulated, leadingthe model to a new state. Metrics are defined usingreward structures [14]. By means of the Rep/Join compositionformalism [15] ADVISE models can be composed withmodels expressed in other formalisms supported by theM€obius framework, and in particular with stochastic activitynetworks [16] models.6.2.3 Modeling ApproachThe model that is used for the analysis combines anADVISE model, which takes into account the attackers’behavior, and a SAN model, which models the evolution oftrust over time due to the continuous authentication protocol.Both models include a set of parameters, which allowevaluating metrics under different conditions and performingsensitivity analysis. Protocol parameters used for theanalysis are reported in the upper labels of Figs. 13 and 14;parameters describing attackers are shown in Table 1 andtheir values are discussed in Section 6.2.4.ADVISE model. The AEG of the ADVISE model is composedof one attack goal, three attack steps, three attackskills, and five access domains. Its graphical representationis shown in Fig. 11, using the notation introduced in [12].The only attack goal present in the model, “RenewSession”represents the renewal of the session timeout by submittingfresh biometric data to the CASHMA server.To reach its goal, the attacker has at its disposal threeattack steps, each one representing the compromise of oneof the three biometric traits: “Compromise_Voice”,“Compromise_Face”, and “Compromise_Fingerprint”.Each of them requires the “SessionOpen” access domain,which represents an already established session. The threeabilities of attackers are represented by three attack skills:“SpoofingSkill”, “HackSkill” and “Lawfulness”.The success probability of such attack steps is a combinationof the spoofing skills of the attacker and the false nonmatchrate (FNMR) of the involved biometric subsystem. Infact, even if the attacker was able to perfectly mimic theuser’s biometric trait, reject would still be possible in case ofa false non-match of the subsystem. For example, the successprobability of the “Compromise_Voice” attack step isobtained as:FNMR Voice_ðSpoofingSkill ->MarkðÞ=1; 000:0Þ;where “FNMR_Voice” is the false non-match rate of thevoice subsystem, and SpoofingSkill ranges from a minimumof 0 to a maximum of 1,000. It should be noted that theactual value assigned to the spoofing skill is a relative value,which also depends on the technological measures implementedto constrast such attack. Based on the skill value,the success probability ranges from 0 (spoofing is not possible)to the FNMR of the subsystem (the same probability ofa non-match for a “genuine” user). The time required to performthe attack is exponentially distributed, and its rate alsodepends on attacker’ skills.When one of the three attack step succeeds, the corresponding“OK_X” access domain is granted to the attacker.Owning one of such access domains means that the systemhas correctly recognized the biometric data, and that it isupdating the global trust level; in this state all the attacksteps are disabled. A successful execution of the attack stepsalso grants the attackers the “RenewSession” goal.“LastSensor” access domain is used to record the last subsystemthat has been used for authentication.SAN model. The SAN model in Fig. 12 models the managementof session timeout and its extension through thecontinuous authentication mechanism. The evolution oftrust level over time is modeled using the functions introducedin Section 4.2; it should be noted that the model introducedin this section can also be adapted to other functionsthat might be used for realizing the protocol.Fig. 11. AEG of the ADVISE model used for security evaluations.TABLE 1Attackers and Their CharacteristicsFig. 12. SAN model for the continuous authentication mechanism.CECCARELLI ET AL.: CONTINUOUS AND TRANSPARENT USER IDENTITY VERIFICATION FOR SECURE INTERNET SERVICES 279Place “SessionOpen” is shared with the ADVISEmodel, and therefore it contains one token if the attackerhas already established a session (i.e., it holds the“SessionOpen” access domain). The extended places“LastTime” and “LastTrust” are used to keep track of thelast time at which the session timeout has been updated,and the corresponding global trust level. These values correspond,respectively, to the quantities t0 and gðt0Þ andcan therefore be used to compute the current global trustlevel g(t). Whenever the session is renewed, the extendedplace “AuthScore” is updated with the global trust levelPðSkÞ of the subsystem that has been used to renew thesession. The extended place “CurrentTimeout” is used tostore the current session timeout, previously calculated attime t0. The activity “Timeout” models the elapsing of thesession timeout and it fires with a deterministic delay,which is given by the value contained in the extended place“CurrentTimeout”. Such activity is enabled only when thesession is open (i.e., place “SessionOpen” contains onetoken). Places “OK_Voice”, “OK_Face” and“OK_Fingerprint” are shared with the respective accessdomains in the ADVISE model. Places “Voice_Consecutive”,“Face_Consecutive”, and “Fingerprint_Consecutive” areused to track the number of consecutive authentications performedusing the same biometric subsystem; this informationis used to evaluate the penalty function.When place “OK_Voice” contains a token, the instantaneousactivity “CalculateScore1” is enabled and fires; theoutput gate “OGSCoreVoice” then sets the marking of place“AuthScore” to the authentication score of the voice subsystem,possibly applying the penalty. The marking of“Voice_Consecutive” is then updated, while the count forthe other two biometric traits is reset. Finally, a token isadded in place “Update”, which enables the immediateactivity “UpdateTrust”. The model has the same behaviorfor the other two biometric traits.When the activity “UpdateTrust” fires, the gate“OGTrustUpdate” updates the user trust level, which iscomputed based on the values in places “LastTrust” and“LastTime”, using (1). Using (3) the current user trust levelis then fused with the score of the authentication that isbeing processed, which has been stored in place“AuthScore”. Finally, the new timeout is computed using(4) and the result is stored in the extended place“CurrentTimeout”. The reactivation predicate of the activity“Timeout” forces the resample of its firing time, and thenew session timeout value is therefore adopted.Composed model. The ADVISE and SAN models are thencomposed using the Join formalism [15]. Places“SessionOpen”, “OK_Voice”, “OK_Face”, and “OK_Fingerprint”are shared with the corresponding access domains inthe ADVISE model. The attack goal “RenewSession” isshared with place “RenewSession”.6.2.4 Definition of AttackersOne of the main challenges in security analysis is the identificationof possible human agents that could pose securitythreats to information systems. The work in [17] defined aThreat Agent Library (TAL) that provides a standardizedset of agent definitions ranging from government spies tountrained employees. TAL classifies agents based on theiraccess, outcomes, limits, resources, skills, objectives, andvisibility, defining qualitative levels to characterize the differentproperties of attackers. For example, to characterizethe proficiency of attackers in skills, four levels are adopted:“none” (no proficiency), “minimal” (can use existing techniques),“operational” (can create new attacks within a narrowdomain) and “adept” (broad expert in suchtechnology). The “Limits” dimension describes legal andethical limits that may constrain the attacker. “Resources”dimension defines the organizational level at which anattacker operates, which in turn determines the amount ofresources available to it for use in an attack. “Visibility”describes the extent to which the attacker intends to hide itsidentity or attacks.Agent threats in the TAL can be mapped to ADVISEadversary profiles with relatively low effort. The “access”attribute is reproduced by assigning different sets of accessdomains to the adversary; the “skills” attribute is mappedto one or more attack skills; the “resources” attribute can beused to set the weight assigned to reducing costs in theADVISE model. Similarly, “visibility” is modeled by theweight assigned to the adversary in avoiding the possibilityof being detected. The attributes “outcomes” and“objectives” are reproduced by attack goals, their payoff,and the weight assigned to maximise the payoff. Finally, theFig. 13. Effect of the continuous authentication mechanism on different Fig. 14. Effect of varying the threshold gmin on the TMA attacker.attackers.280 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, VOL. 12, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2015“limits” attribute can be thought as a specific attack skilldescribing the extent to which the attacker is prepared tobreak the law. In this paper, it is represented by the“Lawfulness” attack skill.In our work we have abstracted four macro-agents thatsummarize the agents identified in TAL, and we havemapped their characteristics to adversary profiles in theADVISE formalism. To identify such macro-agents we firsthave discarded those attributes that are not applicable toour scenario; then we aggregated in a single agent thoseattackers that after this process resulted in similar profiles.Indeed, it should be noted that not all the properties areapplicable in our evaluation; most notably, “objectives” arethe same for all the agents, i.e., extending the session timeoutas much as possible. Similarly “outcome” is notaddressed since it depends upon the application to whichthe CASHMA authentication service provides access. Moreover,in our work we consider hostile threat agents only (i.e.,we do not consider agents 1, 2 and 3 in [17]), as opposed tonon-hostile ones, which include, for example, the“Untrained Employee”.The attributes of the four identified agents are summarizedin Table 1. As discussed in [17], names have the onlypurpose to identify agents; their characteristics should bedevised from agent properties. “Adverse Organization”(ORG) represents an external attacker, with governmentlevelresources (e.g., a terrorist organization or an adversenation-state entity), and having good proficiency in both“Hack” and “Spoofing” skills. It intends to keep its identitysecret, although it does not intend to hide the attack itself. Itdoes not have particular limits, and is prepared to use violenceand commit major extra-legal actions. This attackermaps agents 6, 7, 10, 15, and 18 in [17].“Technology Master Individual” (TMA) represents theattacker for which the term “hacker” is commonly used: anexternal individual having high technological skills, moderate/low resources, and strong will in hide himself and itsattacks. This attacker maps agents 5, 8, 14, 16, and 21 in [17].“Generic Individual” (GEN) is an external individual withlow skills and resources, but high motivation—either rationalor not—that may lead him to use violence. This kind ofattacker does not take care of hiding its actions. The GENattacker maps 4, 13, 17, 19, and 20 in [17]. Finally, the“Insider” attacker (INS) is an internal attacker, having minimalskill proficiency and organization-level resources; it isprepared to commit only minimal extra-legal actions, andone of its main concerns is avoiding him or its attacks beingdetected. This attacker maps agents 9, 11, and 12 in [17].6.2.5 EvaluationsThe composed model has been solved using the discreteeventsimulator provided by the M€obius tool [15]. All themeasures have been evaluated by collecting at least 100.000samples, and using a relative confidence interval of _1 %,confidence level 99 percent. For consistency, the parametersof the decreasing functions are the same as in Fig. 10 ðs ¼ 90and k ¼ 0:003Þ; FMRs of subsystems are also the same usedin simulations of Section 5 (voice: 0.06, fingerprint: 0.03,face: 0.05); for all subsystems, the FNMR has been assumedto be equal to its FMR.Results in Fig. 13 show the effectiveness of the algorithmin contrasting the four attackers. The left part of the figuredepicts the measure PkðtÞ, while Tk is shown in the rightpart. All the attackers maintain the session alive with probability1 for about 60 time units. Such delay is given by theinitial session timeout, which depends upon the characteristicsof the biometric subsystems, the decreasing function(1) and the threshold gmin.With the same parameters a similarvalue was obtained also in MAtlab simulationsdescribed in Section 5 (see Fig. 10): from the highest valueof g(u,t), if no fresh biometric data is received, the globaltrust level reaches the threshold in slightly more than 50time units. By submitting fresh biometric data, all the fourattackers are able to renew the authentication and extendthe session timeout. The extent to which they are able tomaintain the session alive is based on their abilities andcharacteristics.The GEN attacker has about 40 percent probability ofbeing able to renew the authentication and on the averagehe is able to maintain the session for 80 time units. Moreover,after 300 time units he has been disconnected by thesystem with probability 1. The INS and ORG attackers areable to renew the session for 140 and 170 time units onthe average, respectively, due to their greater abilities in thespoofing skill. However, the most threatening agent is theTMA attacker, which has about 90 percent chance to renewthe authentication and is able, on the average, to extend itssession up to 260 time units, which in this setup is morethan four times the initial session timeout. Moreover, theprobability that TMA is able to keep the session alive up to30 time units is about 30 percent, i.e., on the average onceevery three attempts the TMA attacker is able to extend thesession beyond 300 time units, which is roughly five timesthe initial session timeout.Possible countermeasures consist in the correct tuning ofalgorithm parameters based on the attackers to which thesystem is likely to be subject. As an example, Fig. 14 showsthe impact of varying the threshold gmin on the two measuresof interest, PkðtÞ and Tk, with respect to the TMAattacker. Results in the figure show that increasing thethreshold is an effective countermeasure to reduce the averagetime that the TMA attacker is able to keep the sessionalive. By progressively increasing gmin the measure Tkdecreases considerably; this is due to both a reduced initialsession timeout, and to the fact that the attacker has lesstime at his disposal to perform the required attack steps. Asshown in the figure, by setting the threshold to 0.95, theprobability that the TMA attacker is able to keep the sessionalive beyond 300 time units approaches zero, while it isover 30 percent when gmin is set to 0.9.7 PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATIONThe implementation of the CASHMA prototype includesface, voice, iris, fingerprint and online dynamic handwrittensignature as biometric traits for biometric kiosks and PCs/laptops, relying on on-board devices when available orpluggable accessories if needed. On smartphones only faceand voice recognition are applied: iris recognition was discardeddue to the difficulties in acquiring high-quality irisscans using the camera of commercial devices, andCECCARELLI ET AL.: CONTINUOUS AND TRANSPARENT USER IDENTITY VERIFICATION FOR SECURE INTERNET SERVICES 281handwritten signature recognition is impractical on most ofsmartphones today available on market (larger displays arerequired). Finally, fingerprint recognition was discardedbecause few smartphones include a fingerprint reader. Theselected biometric traits (face and voice) suit the need to beacquired transparently for the continuous authenticationprotocol described.A prototype of the CASHMA architecture is currentlyavailable, providing mobile components to access a securedweb-application. The client is based on the Adobe Flash [19]technology: it is a specific client, written in Adobe ActionsScript 3, able to access and control the on-board devices inorder to acquire the raw data needed for biometric authentication.In case of smartphones, the CASHMA client componentis realized as a native Android application (using theAndroid SDK API 12). Tests were conducted on smartphonesSamsung Galaxy S II, HTC Desire, HTC Desire HDand HTC Sensation with OS Android 4.0.x. On averagefrom the executed tests, for the smartphones considered weachieved FMR ¼ 2.58% for face recognition and FMR ¼ 10%for voice. The dimensions of biometric data acquired usingthe considered smartphones and exchanged are approximately500 KB. As expected from such limited dimension ofthe data, the acquisition, compression and transmission ofthese data using the mentioned smartphones did not raiseissues on performance or communication bandwidth. Inparticular, the time required to establish a secure sessionand transmit the biometric data was deemed sufficientlyshort to not compromise usability of the mobile device.Regarding the authentication service, it runs on ApacheTomcat 6 servers and Postgres 8.4 databases. The web servicesare, instead, realized using the Jersey library (i.e., aJAX-RS/JSR311 Reference Implementation) for buildingRESTful web services.Finally, the example application is a custom portal developedas a Rich Internet Application using Sencha ExtJS 4JavaScript framework, integrating different external onlineservices (e.g., Gmail, Youtube, Twitter, Flickr) made accessibledynamically following the current trust value of the continuousauthentication protocol.8 CONCLUDING REMARKSWe exploited the novel possibility introduced by biometricsto define a protocol for continuous authentication thatimproves security and usability of user session. The protocolcomputes adaptive timeouts on the basis of the trustposed in the user activity and in the quality and kind of biometricdata acquired transparently through monitoring inbackground the user’s actions.Some architectural design decisions of CASHMA arehere discussed. First, the system exchanges raw data andnot the features extracted from them or templates, whilecripto-token approaches are not considered; as debated inSection 3.1, this is due to architectural decisions where theclient is kept very simple. We remark that our proposedprotocol works with no changes using features, templatesor raw data. Second, privacy concerns should be addressedconsidering National legislations. At present, our prototypeonly performs some checks on face recognition, where onlyone face (the biggest one rusting from the face detectionphase directly on the client device) is considered for identityverification and the others deleted. Third, when data isacquired in an uncontrolled environment, the quality of biometricdata could strongly depend on the surroundings.While performing a client-side quality analysis of the dataacquired would be a reasonable approach to reduce computationalburden on the server, and it is compatible with ourobjective of designing a protocol independent from qualityratings of images (we just consider a sensor trust), this goesagainst the CASHMA requirement of having a light client.We discuss on usability of our proposed protocol. In ourapproach, the client device uses part of its sensors extensivelythrough time, and transmits data on the Internet.This introduces problematic of battery consumption,which has not been quantified in this paper: as discussedin Section 7, we developed and exercised a prototype toverify the feasibility of the approach but a complete assessmentof the solution through experimental evaluation isnot reported. Also, the frequency of the acquisition of biometricdata is fundamental for the protocol usage; if biometricdata are acquired too much sparingly, the protocolwould be basically useless. This mostly depends on theprofile of the client and consequently on his usage of thedevice. Summarizing, battery consumption and user profilemay constitute limitations to our approach, which inthe worst case may require to narrow the applicability ofthe solution to specific cases, for example, only whenaccessing specific websites and for a limited time window,or to grant access to restricted areas (see also the examplesin Section 3.2). This characterization has not been investigatedin this paper and constitute part of our future work.It has to be noticed that the functions proposed for theevaluation of the session timeout are selected amongst a verylarge set of possible alternatives. Although in literature wecould not identify comparable functions used in very similarcontexts, we acknowledge that different functions may beidentified, compared and preferred under specific conditionsor users requirements; this analysis is left out as goesbeyond the scope of the paper, which is the introduction ofthe continuous authentication approach for Internet services.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was partially supported by the Italian MIURthrough the projects FIRB 2005 CASHMA (DM1621 18 July2005) and PRIN 2010-3P34XC TENACE.