Online Movie Ticket Booking Project App
Effects of e-Marketing and Consumer Lifestyle towards the Style of Decision Making in Online Purchase of Movie Ticket
A.e-Marketing The effective e-marketing strategy is an important element for the success of any type of business [4]. The uniqueness of e-marketing is created using a series of specific function and relational combined with 4P (Price, Product, Place, and Promotion) to form a mix element of e-marketing, which contains a mixed tool e-marketing that provided on the business website to facilitate sales transactions. According to [5], thing that gives uniqueness to e-marketing is the merging of the traditional marketing concept with a series of relational functions with a new formula 2P + 2C + 3S (Personalization, Privacy, Customer Service, Community, Site, Security and Sales Promotion).

B.Consumers Lifestyle The concept of lifestyle patterns and their relationship to the marketing was introduced in 1963 by William Lazer [6]. The lifestyle patterns were defined as a system concept that has broad meaning [6]. The approach that most widely used for measuring lifestyle has AIO (Activities, Interests, and Opinions). Lifestyle as used in lifestyle segmentation research can measure some things. First, community activities, in terms of how they spend their time. Second, their interests, what they overlooked in their surrounding environment. Third, their opinion, in terms of their views about themselves and the world around them. Fourth, some basic characteristics like the stage of their life cycle, income, education, and where they live. The lifestyle classification can be defined as an integrated pattern of three things [7]. First, the activity consists of hobbies, sports, likes and dislikes for shopping, social activities. Second, the interest consists of food, fashion, family, and leisure. Third, the opinion consists of social problems, business, and government. The lifestyle characteristics have a major impact on buying behavior [8]. In a consumer environment, one chooses a product or brand, which seems to elaborate his lifestyle. Consumers can make a choice in the consumption environment in order to determine or actualize their lifestyle, identify through the selected product, or brand. Consumers select, purchase, and consume the intended goods and services, so that they can define, or extend their identity and lifestyle. The result of the research concluded that there is a casual effect on the individual’s lifestyle consumption behavior. Lifestyles affected the purchase decision [9]. The study found that consumers of lifestyles will affect the purchase decision. For example, consumers who like outdoor activities concerned with things that are fashionable, and they have a willingness to pay with a greater attention to experience the brand image, product quality, and notoriety of product brand. Based on the description above, the formulation of the problems in the research on e-marketing, consumer lifestyle and purchasing decision making style focus were limited to issues with the subject as follows : •How does the influence of e-marketing towards the movie tickets purchasing decision making style through the website? •How does the influence of consumer life style towards the tickets purchasing decision making style through the website? •How does the influence of e-marketing and consumer life style simultaneously towards the movie tickets purchasing decision making style through the website? Code Shoppy
C.Consumer Decision Making Style Modern marketers showed a growing interest in research of the consumer purchasing decision making style to understand how an individual makes a buying decision in a competitive environment [10]. This concept is important because it determines the pattern of consumer behaviour and relevant for market segmentation. Most of the previous researchers have adapted to the Consumer Style Inventory (CSI) introduced by Sproles and Kendall in 1986 as a general tool to assess the customer’s decision making style. Reference [11] showed that the product quality, product brand, fashion, recreation, product price, impulsiveness, overchoice confusion, and brand loyalty influence purchasing decisions. It can not be ignored that many young consumer demand in purchasing online, especially the consumer is influenced by the quality of products, brands, and fashion.
Consumers think that online shopping is a leisure experience and recreational values. Consumers also defend their favourite brand. They are critically influenced by peers and friends in shopping online. Other studies [12] indicates that there is a significant relationship between online consumer decision-making styles and comparison shopping proneness. Consumers with perfectionism style need to compare what is being spent in order to get to their “perfect” choices. Consumers also think that the comparison shopping tool will help them. Similarly, consumers searching for the best value in shopping at websites to find appropriate choices. There are seven styles of consumer purchasing decision making, which are Brand Consciousness, Perfectionist, High Quality Consciousness, Recreational, Hedonistic Consumer, Impulsiveness, Price-Value Consciousness, Confused by Over Choice, Novelty-Fashion Conscious Customer [10]. With the identification of problems that have been described previously, the objectives that could be addressed through this study are as follows : •To determine the influence of e-marketing towards the movie tickets purchase decision making style through website. •To determine the influence of consumers’ life style influence towards the movie tickets purchase decision making style through website. •To determine the influence of e-marketing and consumers life style simultaneously towards the movie tickets purchase decision making style through website.