Enabling Fine-grained Multi-keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub-dictionaries over Encrypted Clou

Enabling Fine-grained Multi-keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub-dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud DataAbstract—Using cloud computing, individuals can store their data on remote servers and allow data access to public users through thecloud servers. As the outsourced data are likely to contain sensitive privacy information, they are typically encrypted before uploaded tothe cloud. This, however, significantly limits the usability of outsourced data due to the difficulty of searching over the encrypted data. Inthis paper, we address this issue by developing the fine-grained multi-keyword search schemes over encrypted cloud data. Our originalcontributions are three-fold. First, we introduce the relevance scores and preference factors upon keywords which enable the precisekeyword search and personalized user experience. Second, we develop a practical and very efficient multi-keyword search scheme.The proposed scheme can support complicated logic search the mixed “AND”, “OR” and “NO” operations of keywords. Third, we furtheremploy the classified sub-dictionaries technique to achieve better efficiency on index building, trapdoor generating and query. Lastly,we analyze the security of the proposed schemes in terms of confidentiality of documents, privacy protection of index and trapdoor,and unlinkability of trapdoor. Through extensive experiments using the real-world dataset, we validate the performance of the proposedschemes. Both the security analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed schemes can achieve the same securitylevel comparing to the existing ones and better performance in terms of functionality, query complexity and efficiency.Index Terms—Searchable encryption, Multi-keyword, Fine-grained, Cloud computing.F1 INTRODUCTIONTHE cloud computing treats computing as a utility andleases out the computing and storage capacities to thepublic individuals [1], [2], [3]. In such a framework, theindividual can remotely store her data on the cloud server,namely data outsourcing, and then make the cloud data openfor public access through the cloud server. This represents amore scalable, low-cost and stable way for public data accessbecause of the scalability and high efficiency of cloud servers,and therefore is favorable to small enterprises._ H. Li and Y. Yang are with the School of Computer Science andEngineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu, Sichuan, China (e-mail: hongweili@uestc.edu.cn; yangyi.buku@gmail.com)._ H. Li is with State Key Laboratory of Information Security (Institute ofInformation Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093)(e-mail: hongweili@uestc.edu.cn)._ T. Luan is with the School of Information Technology, Deakin University,Melbourne, Australia(e-mail: tom.luan@deakin.edu.au)._ X. Liang is with the Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,Hanover, USA(e-mail: Xiaohui.Liang@dartmouth.edu)._ L. Zhou is with the National Key Laboratory of Science and Technologyon Communication, University of Electronic Science and Technology ofChina, China(e-mail: lzhou@uestc.edu.cn)._ X. Shen is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Waterloo,Waterloo, Ontario, Canada(e-mail:sshen@uwaterloo.ca).Note that the outsourced data may contain sensitive privacyinformation. It is often necessary to encrypt the private databefore transmitting the data to the cloud servers [4], [5].The data encryption, however, would significantly lower theusability of data due to the difficulty of searching over theencrypted data [6]. Simply encrypting the data may stillcause other security concerns. For instance, Google Searchuses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt the connectionbetween search user and Google server when private data,such as documents and emails, appear in the search results [7].However, if the search user clicks into another website fromthe search results page, that website may be able to identifythe search terms that the user has used.On addressing above issues, the searchable encryption (e.g.,[8], [9], [10]) has been recently developed as a fundamentalapproach to enable searching over encrypted cloud data,which proceeds the following operations. Firstly, the dataowner needs to generate several keywords according to theoutsourced data. These keywords are then encrypted and storedat the cloud server. When a search user needs to access theoutsourced data, it can select some relevant keywords andsend the ciphertext of the selected keywords to the cloudserver. The cloud server then uses the ciphertext to matchthe outsourced encrypted keywords, and lastly returns thematching results to the search user. To achieve the similarsearch efficiency and precision over encrypted data as that ofplaintext keyword search, an extensive body of research hasbeen developed in literature. Wang et al. [11] propose a rankedkeyword search scheme which considers the relevance scores1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing2of keywords. Unfortunately, due to using order-preservingencryption (OPE) [12] to achieve the ranking property, theproposed scheme cannot achieve unlinkability of trapdoor.Later, Sun et al. [13] propose a multi-keyword text searchscheme which considers the relevance scores of keywords andutilizes a multidimensional tree technique to achieve efficientsearch query. Yu et al. [14] propose a multi-keyword top-kretrieval scheme which uses fully homomorphic encryption toencrypt the index/trapdoor and guarantees high security. Caoet al. [6] propose a multi-keyword ranked search (MRSE),which applies coordinate machine as the keyword matchingrule, i.e., return data with the most matching keywords.Although many search functionalities have been developedin previous literature towards precise and efficient searchableencryption, it is still difficult for searchable encryption toachieve the same user experience as that of the plaintextsearch, like Google search. This mainly attributes to followingtwo issues. Firstly, query with user preferences is very popularin the plaintext search [15], [16]. It enables personalized searchand can more accurately represent user’s requirements, but hasnot been thoroughly studied and supported in the encrypteddata domain. Secondly, to further improve the user’s experienceon searching, an important and fundamental function isto enable the multi-keyword search with the comprehensivelogic operations, i.e., the “AND”, “OR” and “NO” operationsof keywords. This is fundamental for search users to prunethe searching space and quickly identify the desired data.Cao et al. [6] propose the coordinate matching search scheme(MRSE) which can be regarded as a searchable encryptionscheme with “OR” operation. Zhang et al. [17] propose aconjunctive keyword search scheme which can be regarded asa searchable encryption scheme with “AND” operation withthe returned documents matching all keywords. However, mostexisting proposals can only enable search with single logicoperation, rather than the mixture of multiple logic operationson keywords, which motivates our work.In this work, we address above two issues by developingtwo Fine-grained Multi-keyword Search (FMS) schemes overencrypted cloud data. Our original contributions can be summarizedin three aspects as follows:We introduce the relevance scores and the preference factorsof keywords for searchable encryption. The relevancescores of keywords can enable more precise returnedresults, and the preference factors of keywords representthe importance of keywords in the search keyword setspecified by search users and correspondingly enablespersonalized search to cater to specific user preferences. Itthus further improves the search functionalities and userexperience.We realize the “AND”, “OR” and “NO” operations in themulti-keyword search for searchable encryption. Comparedwith schemes in [6], [13] and [14], the proposedscheme can achieve more comprehensive functionalityand lower query complexity.We employ the classified sub-dictionaries technique toenhance the efficiency of the above two schemes. Extensiveexperiments demonstrate that the enhanced schemescan achieve better efficiency in terms of index building,trapdoor generating and query in the comparison withschemes in [6], [13] and [14].The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. InSection 2, we outline the system model, threat model, securityrequirements and design goals. In Section 3, we describethe preliminaries of the proposed schemes. We present thedeveloped schemes and enhanced schemes in details in Section4 and Section 5, respectively. Then we carry out the securityanalysis and performance evaluation in Section 6 and Section7, respectively. Section 8 provides a review of the relatedworks and Section 9 concludes the paper.2 SYSTEM MODEL, THREAT MODELAND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS2.1 System ModelAs shown in Fig. 1, we consider a system consists of threeentities.Data owner: The data owner outsources her data tothe cloud for convenient and reliable data access to thecorresponding search users. To protect the data privacy,the data owner encrypts the original data throughsymmetric encryption. To improve the search efficiency,the data owner generates some keywords for eachoutsourced document. The corresponding index is thencreated according to the keywords and a secret key. Afterthat, the data owner sends the encrypted documents andthe corresponding indexes to the cloud, and sends thesymmetric key and secret key to search users.Cloud server: The cloud server is an intermediate entitywhich stores the encrypted documents and correspondingindexes that are received from the data owner, andprovides data access and search services to search users.When a search user sends a keyword trapdoor to the cloudserver, it would return a collection of matching documentsbased on certain operations.Search user: A search user queries the outsourced documentsfrom the cloud server with following three steps.First, the search user receives both the secret key andsymmetric key from the data owner. Second, accordingto the search keywords, the search user uses the secretkey to generate trapdoor and sends it to the cloud server.Last, she receives the matching document collection fromthe cloud server and decrypts them with the symmetrickey.2.2 Threat Model and Security RequirementsIn our threat model, the cloud server is assumed to be “honestbut-curious”, which is the same as most related works onsecure cloud data search [13], [14], [6]. Specifically, the cloudserver honestly follows the designated protocol specification.However, the cloud server could be “curious” to infer andanalyze data (including index) in its storage and messageflows received during the protocol so as to learn additionalinformation. we consider two threat models depending on theinformation available to the cloud server, which are also usedin [13], [6].1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing3Fig. 1. System modelKnown Ciphertext Model: The cloud server can onlyknow encrypted document collection C and index collectionI, which are both outsourced from the data owner.Known Background Model: The cloud server can possessmore knowledge than what can be accessed inthe known ciphertext model, such as the correlationrelationship of trapdoors and the related statistical ofother information, i.e., the cloud server can possess thestatistical information from a known comparable datasetwhich bears the similar nature to the targeting dataset.Similar to [13], [6], we assume search users are trustedentities, and they share the same symmetric key and secretkey. Search users have pre-existing mutual trust with thedata owner. For ease of illustration, we do not considerthe secure distribution of the symmetric key and the secretkey between the data owner and search users; it can beachieved through regular authentication and secure channelestablishment protocols based on the prior security contextshared between search users and the data owner [18]. Inaddition, to make our presentations more focused, we donot consider following issues, including the access controlproblem on managing decryption capabilities given to usersand the data collection’s updating problem on inserting newdocuments, updating existing documents, and deleting existingdocuments, are separated issues. The interested readers onabove issues may refer to [6], [5], [10], [19].Based on the above threat model, we define the securityrequirements as follows:Confidentiality of documents: The outsourced documentsprovided by the data owner are stored in the cloud server.If they match the search keywords, they are sent to thesearch user. Due to the privacy of documents, they shouldnot be identifiable except by the data owner and theauthorized search users.Privacy protection of index and trapdoor: As discussed inSection 2.1, the index and the trapdoor are created basedon the documents’ keywords and the search keywords,respectively. If the cloud server identifies the content ofindex or trapdoor, and further deduces any associationbetween keywords and encrypted documents, it may learnthe major subject of a document, even the content of ashort document [20]. Therefore, the content of index andtrapdoor cannot be identified by the cloud server.Unlinkability of trapdoor: The documents stored in thecloud server may be searched many times. The cloudserver should not be able to learn any keyword informationaccording to the trapdoors, e.g., to determine twotrapdoors which are originated from the same keywords.Otherwise, the cloud server can deduce relationship oftrapdoors, and threaten to the privacy of keywords. Hencethe trapdoor generation function should be randomized,rather than deterministic. Even in case that two searchkeyword sets are the same, the trapdoors should bedifferent.3 PRELIMINARIESIn this section, we define the notation and review the securekNN computation and relevance score, which will serve as thebasis of the proposed schemes.3.1 NotationF—the document collection to be outsourced, denoted asa set of N documents F = (F1; F2; · · · ; FN).C—the encrypted document collection according to F,denoted as a set of N documents C = (C1;C2; · · · ;CN).FID—the identity collection of encrypted documents C,denoted as FID = (FID1; FID2; · · · ; FIDN).W—the keyword dictionary, including m keywords, denotedas W = (w1;w2; · · · ;wm).I—the index stored in the cloud server, which is builtfrom the keywords of each document, denoted as I =(I1; I2; · · · ; IN).fW—the query keyword set generated by a search user,which is a subset of W.TfW—the trapdoor for keyword set fW.]FID—the identity collection of documents returned tothe search user.FMS(CS)—the abbreviation of FMS and FMSCS.3.2 Secure kNN ComputationWe adopt the work of Wong et al. [21] as our foundation.Wong et al. propose a secure k-nearest neighbor (kNN) schemewhich can confidentially encrypt two vectors and computeEuclidean distance of them. Firstly, the secret key (S;M1;M2)should be generated. The binary vector S is a splitting indicatorto split plaintext vector into two random vectors, whichcan confuse the value of plaintext vector. And M1 and M2 areused to encrypt the split vectors. The correctness and securityof secure kNN computation scheme can be referred to [21].3.3 Relevance ScoreThe relevance score between a keyword and a documentrepresents the frequency that the keyword appears in thedocument. It can be used in searchable encryption for returningranked results. A prevalent metric for evaluating the relevancescore is TF × IDF, where TF (term frequency) representsthe frequency of a given keyword in a document and IDF1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing4(inverse document frequency) represents the importance ofkeyword within the whole document collection. Without lossof generality, we select a widely used expression in [22] toevaluate the relevance score asScore(fW; Fj) =ΣwfW1|Fj (1 + lnfj;w) · ln(1 +Nfw) (1)where fj;w denotes the TF of keyword w in document Fj ;fw denotes the number of documents contain keyword w; Ndenotes the number of documents in the collection; and |Fj |denotes the length of Fj , obtained by counting the number ofindexed keywords.4 PROPOSED SCHEMESIn this section, we firstly propose a variant of the secure kNNcomputation scheme, which serves as the basic framework ofour schemes. Furthermore, we describe two variants of ourbasic framework and the corresponding functionalities of themin detail.4.1 Basic FrameworkThe secure kNN computation scheme uses Euclidean distanceto select k nearest database records. In this section, we presenta variant of the secure kNN computation scheme to achievethe searchable encryption property.4.1.1 InitializationThe data owner randomly generates the secret key K =(S;M1;M2), where S is a (m+1)-dimensional binary vector,M1 and M2 are two (m + 1) × (m + 1) invertible matrices,respectively, and m is the number of keywords in W. Thenthe data owner sends (K; sk) to search users through a securechannel, where sk is the symmetric key used to encryptdocuments outsourced to the cloud server.4.1.2 Index buildingThe data owner firstly utilizes symmetric encryption algorithm(e.g., AES) to encrypt the document collection(F1; F2; · · · ; FN) with the symmetric key sk [23], the encrypteddocument collection are denoted as Cj(j = 1; 2; · · · ;N).Then the data owner generates an m-dimensional binaryvector P according to Cj(j = 1; 2; · · · ;N), where eachbit P[i] indicates whether the encrypted document containsthe keyword wi, i.e., P[i] = 1 indicates yes and P[i] = 0indicates no. Then she extends P to a (m + 1)-dimensionalvector P, where P[m + 1] = 1. The data owner usesvector S to split Pinto two (m + 1)-dimensional vectors(pa; pb), where the vector S functions as a splitting indicator.Namely, if S[i] = 0(i = 1; 2; · · · ;m + 1), pa[i] and pb[i]are both set as P[i]; if S[i] = 1(i = 1; 2; · · · ;m + 1),the value of P[i] will be randomly split into pa[i] and pb[i](P[i] = pa[i]+pb[i]). Then, the index of encrypted documentCj can be calculated as Ij = (paM1; pbM2). Finally, the dataowner sends Cj ||FIDj ||Ij (j = 1; 2; · · · ;N) to the cloudserver.4.1.3 Trapdoor generatingThe search user firstly generates the keyword set fW forsearching. Then, she creates a m-dimensional binary vector Qaccording to fW, where Q[i] indicates whether the i-th keywordof dictionary wi is in fW, i.e., Q[i] = 1 indicates yes andQ[i] = 0 indicates no. Further, the search user extends Q toa (m + 1)-dimensional vector Q, where Q[m + 1] = s(the value of s will be defined in the following schemesin detail). Next, the search user chooses a random numberr > 0 to generate Q′′ = r · Q. Then she splits Q′′ into two(m + 1) vectors (qa; qb): if S[i] = 0(i = 1; 2; · · · ;m + 1),the value of Q′′[i] will be randomly split into qa[i] and qb[i];if S[i] = 1(i = 1; 2; · · · ;m + 1), qa[i] and qb[i] are bothset as Q′′[i]. Thus, the search trapdoor TfW can be generatedas (M11 qa;M12 qb). Then the search user sends TfW to thecloud server.4.1.4 QueryWith the index Ij(j = 1; 2; · · · ;N) and trapdoor TfW, thecloud server calculates the query result asRj = Ij · TfW = (paM1; pbM2) · (M11 qa;M12 qb)= pa · qa + pb · qb = P· Q′′= rP· Q= r · (P · Q s)(2)If Rj > 0, the corresponding document identity FIDj willbe returned.Discussions: The Basic Framework has defined the fundamentalsystem structure of the developed schemes. Based onthe secure kNN computation scheme [21], the complementaryrandom parameter r further enhances the security. Differentvalues for parameter s and vectors P and Q can lead to newvariants of the Basic Framework. This will be elaborated inthe follows.4.2 FMS IIn the Basic Framework, P is a m-dimensional binary vector,and each bit P[i] indicates whether the encrypted documentcontains the keyword wi. In the FMS I, the data ownerfirst calculates the relevance score between the keyword wiand document Fj . The relevance score can be calculated asfollows:Score(wi; Fj) =1|Fj (1 + lnfj;wi ) · ln(1 +Nfwi) (3)where fj;wi denotes the TF of keyword wi in document Fj ;fwi denotes the number of documents contain keyword wi; Ndenotes the number of documents in the collection; and |Fj |denotes the length of Fj , obtained by counting the number ofindexed keywords.Then the data owner replaces the value of P[i] with thecorresponding relevance score. On the other hand, we alsoconsider the preference factors of keywords. The preferencefactors of keywords indicate the importance of keywords inthe search keyword set personalized defined by the searchuser. For a search user, he may pay more attention to thepreference factors of keywords defined by himself than therelevance scores of the keywords. Thus, our goal is that1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing5if a document has a keyword with larger preference factorthan other documents, it should have a higher priority inthe returned ]FID; and for two documents, if their largestpreference factor keywords are the same, the document withhigher relevance score of the keyword is the better matchingresult.As shown in Fig. 2, we replace the values of P[i] andQ[i] by the relevance score and the preference factor of akeyword, respectively (thus P and Q are no longer binary).The search user can dynamically adjust the preference factorsto achieve a more flexible search. For convenience, the scoreis rounded up, i.e., Score(wi; Fj) = 10 Score(wi; Fj),and we assume the relevance score is not more than D,i.e., Score(wi; Fj) < D. For the search keyword set fW =(wn1 ;wn2 ; · · · ;wnl)(1 n1 < n2 < · · · < nl m) whichis ordered by ascending importance, the search user randomlychooses a Σ super-increasing sequence (d1 > 0; d2; · · · ; dl) (i.e., j1i=1 di ·D < dj(j = 2; 3; · · · ; l)), where di is the preferencefactor of keyword wni . Then the search result would be:Rj = r · (P · Q s) = r · li=1Score(wni ; Fj) · di s) (4)Theorem 1: (Correctness) For the search keyword set fW =(wn1 ;wn2 ; · · · ;wnl)(1 n1 < n2 < · · · < nl m) whichis ordered by ascending preference factors, if F1 contains alarger preference factor keyword compared with F2, then F1has higher priority in the returned ]FID.Proof: For the search keyword set fW =(wn1 ;wn2 ; · · · ;wnl ), assume the keyword sets F1and F2 contain in fW are denoted as fW1 =(wni ; · · · ;wnx )(n1 ni < · · · < nx nl) andfW2 = (wnj ; · · · ;wny )(n1 nj < · · · < ny nl),respectively, where fW1 and fW2 are both ordered byascending preference factors, and nx > ny. As stated above,Score(wnx Σ ; Fj) 1 since the score is rounded up, and j1i=1 di · D < dj(j = 2; 3; · · · ; l). Therefore, there will beR2 = r · wnjgW2Score(wnj ; F2) · dj s)< r · yj=1Score(wnj ; F2) · dj s)< r · yj=1D · dj s) < r · (dx s)< r · (Score(wnx ; F1) · dx s)< r · wnigW1Score(wni ; F1) · di s)< R1(5)Therefore, F1 has higher priority in the returned ]FID.Theorem 2: (Correctness) For the search keyword set fW =(wn1 ;wn2 ; · · · ;wnl)(1 n1 < n2 < · · · < nl m)which is ordered by ascending preference factors, if the largestpreference factor keyword F1 contains is the same as thatF2 contains, and F1 have the higher relevance score of thekeyword, then F1 have higher priority in the returned ]FID.Proof: For the search keyword set fW =(wn1 ;wn2 ; · · · ;wnl ), assume the keyword sets F1 andF2 contain are denoted as fW1 = (wni ; · · · ;wnx )(n1 ni < · · · < nx nl) and fW2 = (wnj ; · · · ;wnx )(n1 nj < · · · < nx nl), respectively, where fW1 and fW2are both ordered by ascending preference factors andScore(wnx ; F1) Score(wnx ; F2) 1. Thus, there will beR1 =r · wnigW1Score(wni ; F1) · di s)r · (Score(wnx ; F1) · dx s)(7)R2 =r · wnjgW2Score(wnj ; F2) · dj s) (8)=r · (Score(wnx ; F2) · dxwnjgW2wnxScore(wnj ; F2) · dj s)<r · (Score(wnx ; F2) · dx wnjgW2wnxD · dj s)<r · (Score(wnx ; F2) · dx + dx s)R1 R2 > r · ((Score(wnx ; F1) Score(wnx ; F2)) · dx dx)> r · (dx dx)> 0 (9)Therefore, F1 have higher priority in the returned ]FID thanF2.Example. We present a concrete example to help understandTheorem 2. The example also illustrates the workingprocess of FMS I. Specifically, we assume that thesearch keyword set is fW = (wn1 ;wn2 ; · · · ;wn5 ), and thelargest preference factor keyword of sets F1 and F2 is thesame, which is wn4 . In addition, we assume the keywordsets F1 and F2 are fW1 = (wn2 ;wn3 ;wn4 ) and fW2 =(wn1 ;wn3 ;wn4 ) respectively. Furthermore, we assume thatthe relevance score is not more than D = 5, and specially,let Score(wn4 ; F1) = 4 and Score(wn4 ; F2) = 2,which satisfy Score(wn4 ; F1) Score(wn4 ; F2) = 2 1. we randomly choose a super-increasing sequence di ={1; 10; 60; 500; 3000}(i = 1; · · · ; 5), for arbitrary r > 0, therewill beR1 =r · wnigW1Score(wni ; F1) · di s) (11)r · (Score(wn4 ; F1) · d4 s)r · (4 · 500 s)r · (2000 s)1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing6Data owner Cloud server Search user111222 1 2 22keyword dictionary: ( , , )keywords of document : ( , , )corresponding ( , ): ( , , )in : ( , , , , , , , , )( 0 ,0 , , , , , , , ) ji jw wF w wScore w F S Sw w w w wP S S SP Pa ba b= ×××= ××××××××× ××× ××× ×××= ××× ××× ××× ×××® ¢®WWW W1 2( , )( , ) j a ab bp pI = p M p M´ jI_TW__ 2 1 211 22 1 2 2keyword dictionary: ( , , )search keyword set: ( , , )super-increasing sequence: ( , , )in : ( , , , , , , , , )( 0 , 0 , , , , , , l n n nln n nw ww w wd d dw w w w wQ d d da ba b= ×××= ××××××××× ××× ××× ×××= ××× ××× ×××WWW W_ 11 21, )( , )( , ) a ab bQ Q r Q q qT M q M q – -×××® ¢® × ¢®=1 W( )( ( , ) )larger , better result. j ilj ni j iR r P Q sr Score w F d sR== × × -= × _ × -Fig. 2. Structure of the FMS IR2 =r · wnjgW2Score(wnj ; F2) · dj s) (12)=r · (Score(wn4 ; F2) · d4+ΣwnjgW2wn4Score(wnj ; F2) · dj s)<r · (Score(wn4 ; F2) · dx wnjgW2wn4D · dj s)<r · (Score(wn4 ; F2) · d4 + d4 s)<r · (2 · 500 + 500 s)<r · (1500 s)R1 R2 >r · (2000 s) r · (1500 s) (13)>r · (2000 1500)>500 · r > 04.3 FMS IIIn the FMS II, we do not change the vector P in the BasicFramework, but replace the value of Q[i] by the weight ofsearch keywords, as shown in Fig. 3. With the weight ofkeywords, we can also implement some operations like “OR”,“AND” and “NO” in the Google Search to the searchableencryption.Assume that the keyword sets corresponding to the“OR”, “AND” and “NO” operations are (w1;w2; · · · ;wl1),(w′′1 ;w′′2 ; · · · ;w′′l2) and (w′′′1 ;w′′′2 ; · · · ;w′′′l3), respectively.Denote “OR”, “AND” and “NO” operations by , and, respectively. Thus the matching rule can be representedas (w1 w2 · · · wl1) (w′′1 w′′2 · · · w′′l2) (w′′′1 w′′′2 · · · w′′′l3). For “OR” operation,the search user chooses a super-increasing sequence(a1 > 0; a2; · · · ; al1 )(Σj1k=1 ak < aj(j = 2; · · · ; l1)) toachieve searching with keyword weight. To enable searchableencryption with “AND” and “NO” operations, the searchuser chooses a sequence (b1; b2; · · · ; bl2 ; c1; c2; · · · ; cl3 ),whereΣl1k=1 Σ ak < bh(h = 1; 2; · · · ; l2) and l1k=1 ak l2h=1 bh < ci(i = 1; 2; · · · ; l3).Assume (w1;w2; · · · ;wl1) are ordered by ascendingimportance, then according to the search keyword set(w1;w2; · · · ;wl1;w′′1 ;w′′2 ; · · · ;w′′l2;w′′′1 ;w′′′2 ; · · · ;w′′′l3),the corresponding values in Q are set as(a1; a2; · · · ; al1 ; b1; b2; · · · ; bl2 ;c1;c2; · · · ;cl3 ). Othervalues in Q are set as 0. Finally, the search user setss l2h=1 bh. In the Query phase, For a document Fj , ifthe corresponding Rj > 0, we claim that Fj can satisfy theabove matching rule.Theorem 3: (Correctness) Fj satisfies the above matchingrule with “OR”, “AND” and “NO” if and only if the correspondingRj > 0.Proof: Firstly, we proof the completeness. Since the weightof w′′′Σ i (i = 1; 2; · · · ; l3) in the vector Q is ci and ci > l1k=1 ak l2h=1 bh, if any corresponding value of w′′′i in Pof Fj is 1, we can infer P ·Q < 0 and Rj = r·(P ·Qs) < 0.Therefore, if Rj > 0, any of w′′′i is not in the keyword set ofFj , i.e., Fj satisfies the “NO” operation. Moreover, if Rj > 0,then r · (P · Q s) = r · (P · Q Σl2h=1 bh) > 0. Sincebh >Σl1k=1 ak(h = 1; 2; · · · ; l2), all corresponding values ofw′′h in P have to be 1 and at least one corresponding value ofwk(k = 1; 2; · · · ; l1) in P should be 1. Thus, Fj satisfies the“AND” and “OR” operations. Therefore, if Rj > 0, the vectorP satisfies the operations of “OR”, “AND” and “NO”.Next, we show the soundness. If the vector P satisfiesthe operations of “OR”, “AND” and “NO”, i.e., at least onecorresponding value of keyword wk in P is 1 (assume thiskeyword is w(1  l1)), all corresponding values ofkeywords w′′h in P are 1 and no corresponding value ofkeyword w′′′i in P is 1. Therefore, Rj = r · (P · Q s) r · (a + b1 + b2 + · · · + bl2s) = r · a > 0.Example.We present a concrete example to help understandTheorem 3. The example also illustrates the working processof FMS II. Specifically, we assume that the keyword setscorresponding to the “OR”, “AND” and “NO” operations are(w1;w2;w3), (w′′1 ;w′′2 ;w′′3 ) and (w′′′1 ;w′′′2 ), respectively. Thus,the matching rule can be represented as (w1 w2 w3) (w′′1 w′′2 w′′3 ) (w′′′1 w′′′2 ). we assume that the searchweights (a1; a2; a3), (b1; b2; b3) and (c1; c2) for “OR”, “AND”and “NO” are(1,5,8), (20,24,96) and (-500,-600), respectively.We firstly prove Rj > 0 when Fj satisfies the matchingrule. Specifically, assume that Fj satisfies the matching rulew2(w′′1w′′2w′′3 )(w′′′1w′′′2 ). Thus the correspondingvalues of vector P are (0; 1; 0), (1; 1; 1) and (0; 0), respectively.Thus, the result of s =Σ3h=1 bh = 20 + 24 + 96 = 140,1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing7Data owner Cloud server Search user´ jI_T1 2 2 1 12 2 W1 2keyword dictionary: ( , , )keywords of document : ( , , )in : ( , , , , , , , , )( 0, 0 , , 1 , , 1 , , 1 , )( , )( , ) jj a ab bw wF w ww w w w wPP P p pI p M p Ma b= ×××= ×××××× ××× ××× ×××= ××× ××× ××× ×××® ¢®=WWW W 12 121 2 1122 11 22 1 2keyword dictionary: ( , , )operation keyword set keyword weightOR ( , , , ) ( , , , )AND ( , , , ) ( , , , )NO ( , , , ll llw ww w w a a aw w w b b bw w= ×××¢ ¢ ××× ¢ ×××¢ ¢ ××× ¢ ×××¢¢ ¢¢ ×××W_1 2 3 1 2 311 21) ( , , , )in : ( , , , , , , , , )( 0, 0 , , , , , , , )( , )( , ) l la ab bw c c cw w w w wQ a c bQ Q r Q q qT M q M qa b ca b c- -¢¢ ×××××× ¢ ××× ¢¢ ××× ¢ ×××= ××× ××× – ××× ×××® ¢® × ¢®=WW( )( )0 satisfy “OR”,”AND” and “NO”larger larger weight of “OR” j j jR r P Q sr a c b sRRa b c= × × -= × ×××+ +×××- +×××+ + ×××-> __Fig. 3. Structure of the FMS IIfor arbitrary r > 0, the result of Rj will beRj = r · (P · Q s)= r · (a2 + b1 + b2 + b3 s)= r · (5 + 20 + 24 + 96 140)= 5r > 0(14)From the above example, we can easily see that Rj > 0when Fj satisfies the matching rule. Next, we show thatRj < 0 when Fj does not satisfy the matching rule. Especially,we assume that the ”AND” operation does not satisfy thematching rule. Here, we set the first keyword does not matchthe rule, therefore the search keyword set of ”AND” operationsare (0; 1; 1) instead of (1; 1; 1). Thus, the result of Ri will beRj = r · (P · Q s)= r · (a2 + b2 + b3 s)= r · (5 + 24 + 96 140)= 15r < 0(15)Obviously, Rj < 0 when Fj does not satisfy the matchingrule.5 ENHANCED SCHEMEIn practice, apart from some common keywords, other keywordsin dictionary are generally professional terms, and thispart of the dictionary will rapidly increase when the dictionarybecomes larger and more comprehensive. Simultaneously, thedata owner’s index will become longer, although many dimensionsof keywords will never appear in her documents.That will cause redundant computation and communicationoverhead.In this section, we further propose a Fine-grained MultikeywordSearch scheme supporting Classified Sub-dictionaries(FMSCS), which classifies the total dictionary as a commonsub-dictionary and many professional sub-dictionaries. Ourgoal is to significantly reduce the computation and communicationoverhead. We have researched in a file set randomlychosen from the National Science Foundation (NSF) ResearchAwards Abstracts 1990-2003 [24]. As shown in Fig. 4, weclassify the total dictionary to many sub-dictionaries suchas common sub-dictionary, computer science sub-dictionary,mathematics sub-dictionary and physics sub-dictionary, etc.And the search process will only be some minor changes inInitialization.Change of Initialization: Compared with theBasic Framework, in the enhanced scheme thedata owner should firstly choose corresponding subdictionaries.Then her own dictionary can be combined as{f1||Subdic1||f2||Subdic2|| · · · }, where Subdici representsall keywords contained in corresponding sub-dictionary andfi is filling factor with random length which will be 0 stringin the index, the filling factor is used to confuse length ofthe data owner’s own dictionary and relative positions of subdictionaries.Then, the data owner and search user will use thisdictionary to generate the index and trapdoor, respectively.Note that in an dictionary, two professional sub-dictionariescan even contain a same keyword, but only the first appearedkeyword will be used to generate index and trapdoor, anotherwill be set to 0 in the vector. And the secret key K willbe formed as (S;M1;M2; |f1|;DID1 ; |f2|;DID2 ; · · · ), whereDIDi represents the identity of sub-dictionary and |fi| is thelength of fi. Other than these changes, the remaining phases(i.e., Index building, Trapdoor generating and Query) aresame as the Basic Framework.Dictionary Updating: In the searchable encryptionschemes with dictionary, dictionary update is a challengeproblem because it may cause to update massive indexesoutsourced to the cloud server. In general dictionary-basedsearch schemes, e.g., [13] and [14], the update of dictionarywill lead to re-generation of all indexes. In our FMSCSschemes, when it needs to change the sub-dictionaries or addnew sub-dictionaries, only the data owners who use the correspondingsub-dictionaries need to update their indexes, mostother data owners do not need to do any update operations.Such dictionary update operations are particularly lightweight.In addition, Li et al. [9] utilize the dimension expansiontechnique to implement the efficient dictionary expansion.Such method can also be included into our dictionary updatingprocess. And our scheme can even be more efficient than [9]since although [9] does not need to re-generate all indexes,but the corresponding extended operations on all indexes arenecessary. In comparison, our schemes only need to extendthe indexes of partial data owners.1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing8________ ______    _________ ___________ _________ _______     ___ _______ _        ____ _________ ______________ _     _______  ___ ________ __                _              __ ______ _______ ___         __ _______ _______________ ___       __ __________ __________ ______ ___ ___ ___ _________ _!          _” __________1 2 3 4Dictionary: || common || || computer science f f || f ||mathematics || f 1 2 3 4Dictionary: f ¢|| physics || f ¢ || mathematics || f ¢|| common || f ¢ _________ __________            __Fig. 4. Classified sub-dictionaries6 SECURITY ANALYSISIn this section, we analyze the main security properties ofthe proposed schemes. In particular, our analysis focuseson how the proposed schemes can achieve confidentialityof documents, privacy protection of index and trapdoor, andunlinkability of trapdoor. Other security features are not thefocus of our concern.6.1 Confidentiality of DocumentsIn our schemes, the outsourced documents are encrypted bythe traditional symmetric encryption algorithm (e.g., AES). Inaddition, the secret key sk is generated by the data owner andsent to the search user through a secure channel. Since theAES encryption algorithm is secure [23], any entity cannotrecover the encrypted documents without the secret key sk.Therefore, the confidentiality of encrypted documents can beachieved.6.2 Privacy Protection of Index and TrapdoorAs shown in Section 4.1, both the index Ij = (paM1; pbM2)and the trapdoor TfW = (M11 qa;M12 qb) are ciphertextsof vectors (P;Q). The secret key is K = (S;M1;M2) inthe FMS or (S;M1;M2; |f1|;DID1 ; |f2|;DID2 ; · · · ) in theFMSCS, where S functions as a splitting indicator whichsplits P and Q into (pa; pb) and (qa; qb), respectively, twoinvertible matrices M1 and M2 are used to encrypt (pa; pb)and (qa; qb). The security of this encryption algorithm has beenproved in the known ciphertext model [21]. Thus, the contentof index and trapdoor cannot be identified. Therefore, privacyprotection of index and trapdoor can be achieved.6.3 Unlinkability of TrapdoorTo protect the security of search, the unlinkability of trapdoorshould be achieved. Although the cloud server cannotdirectly recover the keywords, the linkability of trapdoor maycause leakage of privacy, e.g., the same keyword set may besearched many times, if the trapdoor generation function isdeterministic, even though the cloud server cannot decryptthe trapdoors, it can deduce the relationship of keywords. Weconsider whether the trapdoor TfW = (M11 qa;M12 qb) can belinked to the keywords. We prove our schemes can achieve theunlinkability of trapdoor in a strong threat model, i.e., knownbackground model [6].Known Background Model: In this model, the cloudserver can possess the statistical information from a knowncomparable dataset which bears the similar nature to thetargeting dataset.TABLE 1Structure of QQ[1] _ _ _Q[m] Q[m + 1]FMS(CS) I _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ di _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ dj _ _ _ 􀀀sFMS(CS) II _ _ _ ak _ _ _ bh _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ ci _ _ _ 􀀀sAs shown in Table 1, in our FMS(CS) I, the trapdooris constituted by two parts. The values of all dimensionsdi(i = 1; 2; · · · ; l) are the super-increasing sequence randomlychosen by the search user (assume there are _ possiblesequences). And the (m+ 1) dimension is s defined by thesearch user, where s is a positive random number. Assumethe size of s is _s bits, there are 2_s possible values fors. Further, to generate Q′′ = r · Q, Qis multiplied by apositive random number r, there are 2_r possible values forr (if the search user chooses _r-bit r). Finally, Q′′ is splitto (qa; qb) according the splitting indicator S. Specifically, ifS[i] = 0(i = 1; 2; · · · ;m + 1), the value of Q′′[i] will berandomly split into qa[i] and qb[i], assume in S the numberof ‘0’ is _, and each dimension of qa and qb is _q bits. Notethat _s, _r, _ and _q are independent of each other. Thenin our FMS(CS) I, we can compute the probability that twotrapdoors are the same as follows:P1 =1_ · 2_s · 2_r · (2_q )_ =1_ · 2_s+_r+__q(16)Therefore, the larger _, _s, _r, _ and _q can achieve thestronger security, e.g., if we choose 1024-bit r, then the1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing9probability P1 < 1=21024. As a result, the probability thattwo trapdoors are the same is negligible.And in the FMS(CS) II, because s = Σl2h=1 bh,its value depends on the weight sequence(a1; a2; · · · ; al1 ; b1; b2; · · · ; bl2 ; c1; c2; · · · ; cl3 ). Assumethe number of different sequences is denoted as _, then wecan compute:P2 =1_ · 2_r · (2_q )_ =1_ · 2_r+__q(17)Similarly, in the FMS(CS) II and the FMS(CS) III, the probabilitythat two trapdoors are the same is negligible. Therefore,in our schemes, the unlinkability of trapdoor can be achieved.In summary, we present the comparison results of securitylevel in Table 2, where I and II represent FMS(CS) I andFMS(CS) II, respectively. It can be seen that all schemes canachieve confidentiality of documents and privacy protectionof index and trapdoor, but the OPE schemes [11], [25] cannotachieve the unlinkability of trapdoor very well because of thesimilarity relevance mentioned in [14].TABLE 2Comparison of Security Level[11], [25] [6], [13], [14] I IIConfidentialityp p p pPrivacy protectionp p p pUnlinkabilityp p pDiscussions: In MRSE [6], the values of P ·Q are equal tothe number of matching keywords, which suffers scale analysisattack when the cloud server is powerful and has knowledgeof some background information. To solve this problem, itextends the index and inserts a random number j whichfollows a normal distribution and can confuse the values ofP ·Q. Thus, enhanced MRSE can resist scale analysis attack.However, the introduction of j causes precision decrease ofthe returned results. There is a trade-off between precisionand security in MRSE. In comparison, our schemes do notsuffer the scale analysis attack. Because the values of P · Qin our schemes do not disclose any information due to therandomly selected sequences mentioned in Section 4.2 andSection 4.3. Therefore, our proposal can achieve the securitywithout sacrificing precision.7 PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONIn this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposedschemes using simulations, and compare the performance withthat of existing proposals in [6], [13], [14]. We apply a realworlddataset from the National Science Foundation ResearchAwards Abstracts 1990-2003 [24], in which we random selectmultiple documents and conduct real-world experiments on anIntel Core i5 3.2 GHz system.7.1 FunctionalityWe compare functionalities between [6], [13], [14] and ourschemes in Table 3, where I and II represent FMS(CS) I andFMS(CS) II, respectively.MRSE [6] can achieve multi-keyword search and coordinatematching using secure kNN computation scheme. And [13]and [14] considers the relevance scores of keywords. Comparedwith the other schemes, our FMS(CS) I considers boththe relevance scores and the preference factors of keywords.Note that if the search user sets all relevance scores andpreference factors of keywords as the same, the FMS(CS) Idegrades to MRSE and the coordinate matching can beachieved. And in the FMS(CS) II, if the search user sets allpreference factors of “OR” operation keywords as the same,the FMS(CS) II can also achieve the coordinate matchingof “OR” operation keywords. Particularly, the FMS(CS) IIachieves some fine-grained operations of keyword search,i.e., “AND”, “OR” and “NO” operations in Google Search,which are definitely practical and significantly enhance thefunctionalities of encrypted keyword search.TABLE 3Comparison of Functionalities[6] [13] [14] I IIMulti-keyword searchp p p p pCoordinate matchingp p p p pRelevance scorep p pPreference factorp pAND OR NO operationsp7.2 Query ComplexityIn the FMS(CS) II, we can implement “OR”, “AND” and“NO” operations by defining appropriate weights of keywords,this scheme provides a more fine-grained search than [6],[13] and [14]. If the keywords to perform “OR”, “AND” and“NO” operations are (w1;w2; · · · ;wl1), (w′′1 ;w′′2 ; · · · ;w′′l2)and (w′′′1 ;w′′′2 ; · · · ;w′′′l3), respectively. Our FMS(CS) II cancomplete the search with only one query, however, in [6],[13] and [14], they would complete the search through thefollowing steps:For the “OR” operation of l1 keywords, they need onlyone query Query(w1;w2; · · · ;wl1) to return a collectionof documents with the most matching keywords (i.e.,coordinate matching), which can be denoted as X =Query(w1;w2; · · · ;wl1).For the “AND” operation of l2 keywords, [6], [13]and [14] cannot generate a query for multiple keywordsto achieve the “AND” operation. Therefore, aftercosting l2 queries Query(w′′i )(i = 1; 2; · · · ; l2),they can do the “AND” operation, and the correspondingdocument set can be denoted as Y =Query(w′′1 )∩Query(w′′2 )∩· · ·Query(w′′l2).For the “NO” operation of l3 keywords, they need l3queries Query(w′′′i )(i = 1; 2; · · · ; l3), firstly. Then, thedocument set of the “NO” operation can be denoted asZ = Query(w′′′1 )∩Query(w′′′2 )∩· · ·Query(w′′′l3).Finally, the document collection achieved “OR”, “AND”and “NO” operations can be represented as XYZ.As shown in Fig. 5a, 5b and 5c, to achieve these operations,the FMS(CS) II can outperform the existing proposals withless queries generated.1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing102468102468100510152025Number Number of “NO” keywords of “AND” keywordsNumber of queries[6] & [13] & [14]FMS(CS)_II(a)24681024681005101520Number of “NO” keywords Number of “OR” keywordsNumber of queries[6] & [13] & [14]FMS(CS)_II(b)24681024681005101520Number of “OR” keywords Number of “AND” keywordsNumber of queries[6] & [13] & [14]FMS(CS)_II(c)Fig. 5. Time for building index. (a) Number of queriesfor the different number of “AND” and “NO” keywordswith the same number of “OR” keywords, l1 = 5. (b)Number of queries for the different number of “OR” and“NO” keywords with the same number of “AND” keywords,l2 = 5. (c) Number of queries for the different number of“AND” and “OR” keywords with the same number of “NO”keywords, l3 = 5.7.3 Efficiency7.3.1 Computation overheadIn order to easily demonstrate our scheme computation overhead,we analysis our scheme from each phase.Index building. Note that the Index building phase of [6]is the same as our FMS II scheme, without calculating therelevance score. And the Index building phase of the FMS Iis the same as [13], containing the relevance score computing.Compared with the FMS I, the FMS II does not need to calculatethe relevance score. And compared with the computationcost of building index, the cost of calculating the relevancescore is negligible, we do not distinguish them. Moreover,in our enhanced schemes (FMSCS), we divide the totaldictionary into 1 common sub-dictionary and 20 professionalsub-dictionaries (assume each data owner averagely chooses 1common sub-dictionary and 3 professional sub-dictionaries togenerate the index). As shown in Fig. 6, we can see the time forbuilding index is dominated by both the size of dictionary andthe number of documents. And compared with [6], [13], [14]and our FMS schemes, the FMSCS schemes largely reducethe computation overhead.Trapdoor generating. In Trapdoor generating phase, [6]and [13] firstly creates a vector according to the searchkeyword set fW, then encrypts the vector by the secure kNNcomputation scheme. And [14] also generates a vector anduses homomorphic encryption to encrypt each dimension. Incomparison, our FMS I and FMS II schemes should firstly2000 4000 6000 8000 100000500100015002000Size of dictionaryTime (s)[6] & [13] & FMS[14]FMSCS(a)2000 4000 6000 8000 100000100200300400500600Number of documentsTime (s)[6] & [13] & FMS[14]FMSCS(b)Fig. 6. Time for building index. (a) For the different size ofdictionary with the same number of documents, N=6000.(b) For the different number of documents with the samesize of dictionary, |W| = 4000.2000 4000 6000 8000 10000020040060080010001200Size of dictionaryTime (ms)[6] & [13] & FMS[14]FMSCS(a)10 20 30 40 50050100150200250300Number of query keywordsTime (ms)[6] & [13] & FMS[14]FMSCS(b)Fig. 7. Time for generating trapdoor. (a) For the differentsize of dictionary with the same number of query keywords,|fW|=20. (b) For the different number of query keywordswith the same size of dictionary, |W| = 4000.generate a super-increasing sequence and a weight sequence,respectively. But actually, we can pre-select a correspondingsequence for each scheme, it can also achieve search processand privacy. Because even if the vectors are the same formultiple queries, the trapdoors will be not the same due tothe security of kNN computation scheme. Therefore, the computationcost of [6], [13] and all FMS schemes in Trapdoorgenerating phase are the same. As shown in Fig. 7, the timefor generating trapdoor is dominated by the size of dictionary,instead of the number of query keywords. Hence, our FMSCSschemes are also very efficient in Trapdoor generating phase.Query. As [6], [13] and the FMS all adopt the secure kNNcomputation scheme, the time for query is the same. Thecomputation overhead in Query phase, as shown in Fig. 8,is greatly affected by the size of dictionary and the numberof documents, and almost has no relation to the number ofquery keywords. Further we can see, our FMSCS schemessignificantly reduce the computation cost in Query phase.As [14] needs to encrypt each dimension of index/trapdoorusing full homomorphic encryption, its index/trapdoor size isenormous. Note that, in Trapdoor generating and Queryphases, the computation overheads are not affected by thenumber of query keywords. Thus our FMS and FMSCSschemes are more efficient compared with some multiplekeywordsearch schemes [26], [27], as their cost is linear withthe number of query keywords.1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing112000 4000 6000 8000 10000010203040506070Size of dictionaryTime (s)[6] & [13] & FMS[14]FMSSCS(a)2000 4000 6000 8000 1000001020304050Number of documentsTime (s)[6] & [13] & FMS[14]FMSCS(b)10 20 30 40 5005101520253035Number of query keywordsTime (s)[6] & [13] & FMS[14]FMSCS(c)Fig. 8. Time for query. (a) For the different size ofdictionary with the same number of documents and numberof search keywords, N = 6000; |fW| = 20. (b) Forthe different number of documents with the same sizeof dictionary and number of search keywords, |W| =4000; |fW| = 20. (c) For the different number of searchkeyword with the same size of dictionary and number ofdocuments, N = 6000; |W| = 4000.7.3.2 Storage overheadAs shown in Table 4, we provide a comparison of storageoverhead among several schemes. Specifically, we evaluate thestorage overhead from three parts: the data owner, the searchuser and the cloud server.According to Table 4, in the FMS, the FMSCS as well asschemes of [6] and [13], the storage overhead of the dataowner are the same. In these schemes, the data owner preservesher secret key K = (S;M1;M2) and symmetric key sklocally, where S is an (m+1)-dimensional vector, M1 and M2are (m+1)×(m+1) invertible matrices. All elements in S,M1and M2 are the float number. Since the size of a float numberis 4 bytes, the size of K is 4· (m+1)+8· (m + 1)2 bytes. Weassume that the size of sk is Ssk that is a constant. Thus, thetotal size of storage overhead is 4·(m+1)+8·(m + 1)2+Sskbytes. However, in [14], the storage overhead of data owneris _5=8 bytes, where the _ is the secure parameter. Thestorage overhead is 4GB when we choose _ = 128, which ispopular in a full homomorphic encryption scheme. However,the storage overhead of the FMS and the FMSCS are almost763MB when we choose m = 10000, which is large enoughfor a search scheme. Therefore, the FMS and the FMSCS aremore efficient than scheme in [14] in terms of the storageoverhead of the data owner.As shown in Table 4, a search user in the FMS, the FMSCSas well as the schemes of [6] and [13] preserves the secret keyK = (S;M1;M2) and the symmetric key sk locally. Therefore,the total storage overhead is 4(m+1)+8(m + 1)2+Sskbytes. However, in [14], the storage overhead is _5=8 + _2=8bytes. The storage overhead is 4GB when we choose _ = 128,which is popular in a full homomorphic encryption scheme.However, the storage overhead of the FMS and the FMSCSare almost 763MB when we choose m = 10000, which islarge enough for a search scheme. Therefore, the FMS andthe FMSCS are more efficient than scheme in [14] in termsof the storage overhead of the search user.The cloud server preserves the encrypted documents and theindexes. The size of encrypted documents in all schemes arethe same, i.e., N·Ds. For the indexes, in the FMS and schemesin [6] and [13], the storage overhead are 8 · (m+1) ·N bytes.In the FMSCS, the storage overhead is 8·· (m+1) ·N bytes,where 0 < ” < 1. When m = 1000 and N = 10000 whichare large enough for a search scheme, the storage overhead ofindexes is about 132MB in the FMSCS. And in schemes of [6]and [13] as well as the FMS, the size of indexes is 760MB withthe same conditions. In scheme in [14], the storage overheadof indexes is N · Ds + m · N · (_=8)5 bytes, it is 4GB whenwe choose _ = 128, which is popular in a full homomorphicencryption scheme. Therefore, the FMS and the FMSCS aremore efficient than scheme in [14] in terms of the storageoverhead of the cloud server.7.3.3 Communication overheadAs shown in Table 5, we provide a comparison of communicationoverhead among several schemes. Specifically,we consider the communication overhead from three parts:the communication between the data owner and the cloudserver (abbreviated as D-C), the communication between thesearch user and the cloud server (abbreviated as C-S) and thecommunication between the data owner and the search user(abbreviated as D-S).D-C. In the FMS as well as schemes of [6] and [13], the dataowner needs to send information to cloud server in the formof Cj ||FIDj ||Ij (j = 1; 2; · · · ;N), where the Cj representsthe encrypted documents, FIDj represents the identity of thedocument and Ij represents the index. We assume that theaverage size of documents is Ds, thus the size of documentsis N ·Ds. We assume the encrypted documents identity FIDis a 10-byte string. Thus, the total size of the identity FIDis 10 · N bytes. The index Ij = (paM1; pbM2) contains two(m+1)-dimensional vectors. Each dimension is a float number(the size of each float is 4 bytes). Thus, the total size of index is8·(m+1)·N bytes. Therefore, the total size of communicationoverhead is 8·(m+1)·N+10·N+N·Ds bytes. In the FMSCS,the total size of communication overhead is 8·· (m+1)·N +10·N+N·Ds bytes. If we choose the as 0:2, the size of indexis 1:6 · (m+1) ·N bytes, and the total size of communicationof FMSCS is 1:6·(m+1)·N+10·N+Ds ·N bytes. However,in [14], the communication overhead is N ·Ds +m·N · _5=8bytes, where _ is the secure parameter. If we choose _ = 128which is popular in a full homomorphic encryption schemeand m = 1000 and N = 10000 which are large enough fora search scheme, the FMS and the FMSCS are more efficientthan scheme in [14] in terms of the communication overheadof D-C.1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing12TABLE 4Comparison of Storage Overhead (Bytes). (m represents the size of dictionary; N represents the number ofdocuments; Ds represents the average size of each encrypted document; _ represents the secure parameter; represents the decrease rate of dictionary by using our classified sub-dictionaries technology; Ssk represents the sizeof symmetric key.)[14] [6], [13] and FMS FMSCSData Owner _5=8 4 _ (m + 1) + 8 _ (m + 1)2 + Ssk 4 _ (m + 1) + 8 _ (m + 1)2 + SskSearch User _5=8 + _2=8 4 _ (m + 1) + 8 _ (m + 1)2 + Ssk 4 _ (m + 1) + 8 _ (m + 1)2 + SskCloud Server N _ Ds + m _ N _ _5=8 N _ Ds + 8 _ (m + 1) _ N N _ Ds + 8 _ _ (m + 1) _ NTABLE 5Comparison of Communication Overhead (Bytes). (m represents the size of dictionary; N represents the number ofdocuments; Ds represents the average size of each encrypted document; T represents the number of returneddocuments; _ represents the secure parameter; represents the decrease rate of dictionary by using our classifiedsub-dictionaries technology; Ssk represents the size of symmetric key.)[14] [6], [13] and FMS FMSCSD-C N _ Ds + m _ N _ _5=8 8 _ (m + 1) _ N + 10 _ N + N _ Ds 8 _ _ (m + 1) _ N + 10 _ N + N _ DsC-S m _ _5=8 + T _ Ds 8 _ (m + 1) + T _ Ds 8 _ _ (m + 1) + T _ DsD-S _5=8 + _2=8 4 _ (m + 1) + 8 _ (m + 1)2 + Ssk 4 _ (m + 1) + 8 _ (m + 1)2 + SskC-S. The C-S consists of two phases: Query and Resultsreturning. In the Query phase, a search user in the FMS as wellas the schemes in [6] and [13] sends the trapdoor to the cloudserver in the form of TfW = (M11 qa;M12 qb), which containstwo (m+1)-dimensional vectors. Thus, the communicationoverhead is 8·(m+1) bytes. In the FMSCS, the communicationoverhead is 8 · · (m + 1)(0 < ” < 1) bytes. In the Resultsreturning phase, the cloud server sends the correspondingresult to the search user. The communication overhead of CSincreases along with the number of returned documentsat this point. We assume that the number of the returneddocuments is T, thus, the total communication overhead ofcloud server to search user is T · Ds bytes. Therefore, thetotal communication overhead of C-S is 8 ·m+T ·Ds bytes.In the FMS as well as the schemes in [6] and [13], the totalcommunication overhead of C-S is 8 · · (m + 1) + T · Dsbytes. In [14], the total communication overhead of C-S ism·_5=8+T ·Ds bytes. If we choose _ = 128 which is popularin a full homomorphic encryption scheme and m = 1000 andN = 10000 which are large enough for a search scheme, theFMS and the FMSCS are more efficient than scheme in [14]in terms of the communication overhead of C-S.D-S. From table 5, we can see that the communicationoverhead of the FMS, the FMSCS as well as schemes in[6] and [13] are the same. In the Initialization phase, thedata owner sends the secret key K = (S;M1;M2) andsymmetric key sk to the search user, where S is an (m+ 1)-dimensional vector, M1 and M2 are (m + 1) × (m + 1)invertible matrices. Thus, the size of the secret key K is4 · (m + 1) + 8 · (m + 1)2 bytes. Therefore, the total sizeof communication overhead is 4 · (m+1)+8 · (m + 1)2+Sskbytes, where the Ssk represents the size of symmetric key.However, the communication overhead of scheme in [14] is_5=8+_2=8 bytes. The communication overhead is 4GB whenwe choose _ = 128, which is popular in a full homomorphicencryption scheme. However, the communication overhead ofthe FMS and the FMSCS are almost 763MB when we choosem = 10000, which is large enough for a search scheme.Therefore, the FMS and the FMSCS are more efficient thanscheme in [14] in terms of the communication overhead ofD-S.8 RELATED WORKThere are mainly two types of searchable encryption in literature,Searchable Public-key Encryption (SPE) and SearchableSymmetric Encryption (SSE).8.1 SPESPE is first proposed by Boneh et al. [28], which supportssingle keyword search on encrypted data but the computationoverhead is heavy. In the framework of SPE, Boneh et al. [27]propose conjunctive, subset, and range queries on encrypteddata. Hwang et al. [29] propose a conjunctive keyword schemewhich supports multi-keyword search. Zhang et al. [17] proposean efficient public key encryption with conjunctivesubsetkeywords search. However, these conjunctive keywordsschemes can only return the results which match all thekeywords simultaneously, and cannot rank the returned results.Qin et al. [30] propose a ranked query scheme which usesa mask matrix to achieve cost-effectiveness. Yu et al. [14]propose a multi-keyword top-k retrieval scheme with fullyhomomorphic encryption, which can return ranked results andachieve high security. In general, although SPE allows moreexpressive queries than SSE [13], it is less efficient, andtherefore we adopt SPE in the work.8.2 SSEThe concept of SSE is first developed by Song et al. [8].Wang et al. [25] develop the ranked keyword search scheme,which considers the relevance score of a keyword. However,the above schemes cannot efficiently support multi-keywordsearch which is widely used to provide the better experience1545-5971 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TDSC.2015.2406704, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing13to the search user. Later, Sun et al. [13] propose a multikeywordsearch scheme which considers the relevance scoresof keywords, and it can achieve efficient query by utilizingthe multidimensional tree technique. A widely adopted multikeywordsearch approach is multi-keyword ranked search(MRSE) [6]. This approach can return the ranked results ofsearching according to the number of matching keywords. Liet al. [10] utilize the relevance score and k-nearest neighbortechniques to develop an efficient multi-keyword searchscheme that can return the ranked search results based on theaccuracy. Within this framework, they leverage an efficientindex to further improve the search efficiency, and adopt theblind storage system to conceal access pattern of the searchuser. Li et al. [19] also propose an authorized and ranked multikeywordsearch scheme (ARMS) over encrypted cloud databy leveraging the ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption(CP-ABE) and SSE techniques. Security analysis demonstratesthat the proposed ARMS scheme can achieve collusion resistance.In this paper, we propose FMS(CS) schemes which notonly support multi-keyword search over encrypted data, butalso achieve the fine-grained keyword search with the functionto investigate the relevance scores and the preference factors ofkeywords and, more importantly, the logical rule of keywords.In addition, with the classified sub-dictionaries, our proposalis efficient in terms of index building, trapdoor generating andquery.9 CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we have investigated on the fine-grained multikeywordsearch (FMS) issue over encrypted cloud data, andproposed two FMS schemes. The FMS I includes both therelevance scores and the preference factors of keywords toenhance more precise search and better users’ experience,respectively. The FMS II achieves secure and efficient searchwith practical functionality, i.e., “AND”, “OR” and “NO”operations of keywords. Furthermore, we have proposed theenhanced schemes supporting classified sub-dictionaries (FMSCS)to improve efficiency.For the future work, we intend to further extend the proposalto consider the extensibility of the file set and the multi-usercloud environments. Towards this direction, we have madesome preliminary results on the extensibility [5] and the multiusercloud environments [19]. Another interesting topic is todevelop the highly scalable searchable encryption to enableefficient search on large practical databases.ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis work is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grants 61472065, 61350110238,61103207, U1233108, U1333127, and 61272525, the InternationalScience and Technology Cooperation and ExchangeProgram of Sichuan Province, China under Grant 2014HH0029,China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded projectunder Grant 2014M552336, and State Key Laboratory ofInformation Security Open Foundation under Grant 2015-MS-02.REFERENCES[1] H. 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IEEE, 2012, pp. 2581–2585.Hongwei Li is an Associate Professor with theSchool of Computer Science and Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technologyof China, China. He received the PhD degreein computer software and theory from Universityof Electronic Science and Technology of China,China in 2008. He has worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering at University of Waterloofor one year until Oct. 2012. His research interestsinclude network security, applied cryptography,and trusted computing. Dr. Li serves as the Associate Editor ofPeer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, the Guest Editor for Peerto-Peer Networking and Applications Special Issue on Security andPrivacy of P2P Networks in Emerging Smart City. He also serves onthe technical program committees for many international conferencessuch as IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE WCNC,IEEE SmartGridComm, BODYNETS and IEEE DASC. He is a memberof IEEE, a member of China Computer Federation and a member ofChina Association for Cryptologic Research.Yi Yang received his B.S. degree in NetworkEngineering from Tianjin University of Scienceand Technology (TUST) in 2012. Currently, he isa master student at the School of Computer Scienceand Engineering, University of ElectronicScience and Technology of China (UESTC), China.He serves as the reviewer of Peer-to-PeerNetworking and Application, IEEE INFOCOM,IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICCC, etc.His research interests include cryptography, andthe secure smart grid.Tom H. Luan received the B.Sc. degree fromXian Jiaotong University, China, in 2004, theM.Phil. degree from Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology, Hong Kong, China, in2007, and Ph.D. degrees from the Universityof Waterloo, Canada, in 2012. Since December2013, he has been the Lecturer in Mobile andApps at the School of Information Technology,Deakin University, Melbourne Burwood, Australia.His research mainly focuses on vehicularnetworking, wireless content distribution, peerto-peer networking and mobile cloud computing.Xiaohui Liang received the B.Sc. degree inComputer Science and Engineering and theM.Sc. degree in Computer Software and Theoryfrom Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China,in 2006 and 2009, respectively. He is currentlyworking toward a Ph.D. degree in the Departmentof Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Waterloo, Canada. His research interestsinclude applied cryptography, and securityand privacy issues for e-healthcare system,cloud computing, mobile social networks, andsmart grid.Liang Zhou is a professor with the NationalKey Lab of Science and Technology on Communicationat University of Electronic Scienceand Technology of China, China. His currentresearch interests include error control coding,secure communication and cryptography.Xuemin (Sherman) Shen is a Professor andUniversity Research Chair, Department of Electricaland Computer Engineering, University ofWaterloo, Canada. He was the Associate Chairfor Graduate Studies from 2004 to 2008. Dr.Shen’s research focuses on resource managementin interconnected wireless/wired networks,wireless network security, vehicular ad hocand sensor networks. Dr. Shen served as theTechnical Program Committee Chair for IEEEVTC’10 Fall and IEEE Globecom’07. He alsoserves/served as the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Network, Peer-to-PeerNetworking and Application, and IET Communications; a Founding AreaEditor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; an AssociateEditor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, ComputerNetworks. Dr. Shen is a registered Professional Engineer of Ontario,Canada, an IEEE Fellow, an Engineering Institute of Canada Fellow, aCanadian Academy of Engineering Fellow, and a Distinguished Lecturerof IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and Communications Society.


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