
Exploring the Malicious Android Applications and Reducing Risk using Static Analysis

INTRODUCTION The growth of mobile phone technology has revolutionized the whole world. As the number of users is increasing day by day, facilities are also increasing [16]. The increase in the usage of phone had made a drastic change in environment. [17]. Now mobiles are not used just for making calls, but instead they have innumerable uses as a Camera, Music player, Tablet PC, TV, and Web browser, Android operating system (OS) is mainly introduced with lot of advancement and its diverged features to make human life easier. The most widely used mobile OS on these days is Android [17] which plays a vital role in today’s market. The detection of the malicious application (malapps) out of the application (app) markets is an ongoing challenge. One of the key points of Android security mechanisms is permission control that restricts the access of applications (apps) to core facilities of devices [1]. Android forces apps to declare the permissions they require when they install them. The users can guard our privacy and security, by paying attention to android app permissions when installing those apps, where many users unaware about the permissions. The app declares its permissions when it is installed. In general, these permissions access cannot be controlled. The app displays what the requirements are and whether we need to accept or reject it. Permissions are abundant in the model. The problem is that most android users have no idea about the proper installation of an app. Many users, failed to read the [EULA] End User License Agreement in which think its a matter to quickly tap through when installing apps [9]. To protect against malware the android platform presents an application environment that ensuring the security to users and all developers. Hence, to securing an open platform the system is designed with these robust security architectures and rigorous security programs.

RELATED WORK On a recent survey [17], as reported on Wikipedia, the Google play store has nearly 1billion application where the increase in usage of android apps increases day by day. The android is open source were the people getting moved to the application. The android operating system and its apps play a vital role in the today’s world .So the focal target is towards attacking them. The threat has caused great rise in the malware1 , chargeware2 , and adware3 [7]. So, various analyses and research have been made to find better results on the malware detection and new technique involving the higher detection rate and accuracy. The main issue is when concerned with android its security, apparently the main cause is the malware. Earlier the malware detection was through a system call request in which based on only on request, where internal behavior is not analyzed. In terms of static it is based on privilege escalation attacks detection and prevention of attacks [14]. It includes various methodologies comprising the Component-based permission escalation, Application-level privilege escalation attack. In another work, a framework for segregation of software in android platform with application of security [8].MOSES represented as MOde-of-uses SEparation in Smartphones, where the android level semantics filtrations of irrelevant behaviors are done. On considering the dynamic analysis the work of the malware detection is based on Copper Droid where analyzing the android level semantics, characterizing the general behavior [13] .But it has certain limitation where the behaviors of android are not analyzed. Next Taint Droid based on android level semantics and filtering of the irrelevant behaviors [11]. Taint Droid is alerting the information leakage of unintended data to intended data. Profile Droid based on behaviors of the system and focus on the android level semantics [10]. Droid Scope focused on the android level semantics, analyzing the internal behaviors [15].

PROPOSED WORK In considering upon an installation of the app, permissions play a key role in it. Many users are unaware of installation permission where the users of ignorant to the malicious threats. Lots of unnecessary permission leaks to the unauthorized users where leading a malicious activity. Thus the proposed work is introduced in order to minimize the risk permission which preventing the privacy data to be leaked.


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