e-Vaccination management System
e-Vaccination management System
Vaccination to Infants:
Children are more vulnerable to infectious diseases due to their underdeveloped immune systems, which lack the necessary defenses to combat harmful infections and illnesses. Consequently, illnesses such as whooping cough or pneumococcal disease can pose serious and potentially fatal threats to young children. Vaccination procedures commence at an early age to safeguard children from these diseases before they are exposed to them. e-Vaccination management System
android based app projects for college students
Software Requirements: –
Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script
Android Tools:
IDE: Android Studio
Android Emulator
XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
PHP Tools:
XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
Existing Solution:
In the existing system, Vaccines are provided for infants and children under teenage by various aspects such as by attending school manually and there is a chance that some of the children’s and infants may miss the opportunity of getting vaccinated due to some mandatory reasons. Which leads to loss of life or gets affected by various diseases such as polio…etc? This is a time delay process to wait for each and every one all over the places.
Proposed Solution:
We can change this manual system into e-vaccination system by collecting the info of infants, registered under website so that those who didn’t took vaccination can avail one more opportunity to save the life of their children . By this system a lot of man-hours can be saved and it is efficient too.