Shared Authority Based Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol in Cloud Computing

Shared Authority Based Privacy-PreservingAuthentication Protocol in Cloud ComputingHong Liu, Student Member, IEEE, Huansheng Ning, Senior Member, IEEE,Qingxu Xiong, Member, IEEE, and Laurence T. Yang, Member, IEEEAbstract—Cloud computing is an emerging data interactive paradigm to realize users’ data remotely stored in an online cloudserver. Cloud services provide great conveniences for the users to enjoy the on-demand cloud applications without considering thelocal infrastructure limitations. During the data accessing, different users may be in a collaborative relationship, and thus datasharing becomes significant to achieve productive benefits. The existing security solutions mainly focus on the authentication torealize that a user’s privative data cannot be illegally accessed, but neglect a subtle privacy issue during a user challenging thecloud server to request other users for data sharing. The challenged access request itself may reveal the user’s privacy no matterwhether or not it can obtain the data access permissions. In this paper, we propose a shared authority based privacy-preservingauthentication protocol (SAPA) to address above privacy issue for cloud storage. In the SAPA, 1) shared access authority isachieved by anonymous access request matching mechanism with security and privacy considerations (e.g., authentication, dataanonymity, user privacy, and forward security); 2) attribute based access control is adopted to realize that the user can only accessits own data fields; 3) proxy re-encryption is applied to provide data sharing among the multiple users. Meanwhile, universalcomposability (UC) model is established to prove that the SAPA theoretically has the design correctness. It indicates that theproposed protocol is attractive for multi-user collaborative cloud applications.Index Terms—Cloud computing, authentication protocol, privacy preservation, shared authority, universal composabilityÇ1 INTRODUCTIONCLOUD computing is a promising information technologyarchitecture for both enterprises and individuals. Itlaunches an attractive data storage and interactive paradigmwith obvious advantages, including on-demand selfservices,ubiquitous network access, and location independentresource pooling [1]. Towards the cloud computing, atypical service architecture is anything as a service (XaaS),in which infrastructures, platform, software, and others areapplied for ubiquitous interconnections. Recent studieshave been worked to promote the cloud computing evolvetowards the internet of services [2], [3]. Subsequently, securityand privacy issues are becoming key concerns with theincreasing popularity of cloud services. Conventional securityapproaches mainly focus on the strong authenticationto realize that a user can remotely access its own data in ondemandmode. Along with the diversity of the applicationrequirements, users may want to access and share each other’sauthorized data fields to achieve productive benefits,which brings new security and privacy challenges for thecloud storage.An example is introduced to identify the main motivation.In the cloud storage based supply chain management,there are various interest groups (e.g., supplier, carrier, andretailer) in the system. Each group owns its users which arepermitted to access the authorized data fields, and differentusers own relatively independent access authorities. Itmeans that any two users from diverse groups shouldaccess different data fields of the same file. Thereinto, a suppliermay want to access a carrier’s data fields, but it is notsure whether the carrier will allow its access request. If thecarrier refuses its request, the supplier’s access desire willbe revealed along with nothing obtained towards thedesired data fields. Actually, the supplier may not send theaccess request or withdraw the unaccepted request inadvance if it firmly knows that its request will be refused bythe carrier. It is unreasonable to thoroughly disclose thesupplier’s private information without any privacy considerations.Fig. 1 illustrates three revised cases to addressabove imperceptible privacy issue._ Case 1. The carrier also wants to access the supplier’sdata fields, and the cloud server should inform eachother and transmit the shared access authority to theboth users;_ Case 2. The carrier has no interest on other users’data fields, therefore its authorized data fieldsshould be properly protected, meanwhile the supplier’saccess request will also be concealed;_ Case 3. The carrier may want to access the retailer’sdata fields, but it is not certain whether the retailerwill accept its request or not. The retailer’s authorizeddata fields should not be public if the retailer_ H. Liu and Q. Xiong are with the School of Electronic and InformationEngineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China.E-mail:, H. Ning is with the School of Computer and Communication Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China, and theSchool of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University,Beijing, China. E-mail: L.T. Yang is with the School of Computer Science and Technology,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China,and the Department of Computer Science, St. Francis Xavier University,Antigonish, NS, Canada. E-mail: received 3 Nov. 2013; revised 23 Dec. 2013; accepted 30 Dec.2013. Date of publication 24 Feb. 2014; date of current version 5 Dec. 2014.Recommended for acceptance by J. Chen.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2014.2308218IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015 2411045-9219 _ 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.has no interests in the carrier’s data fields, and thecarrier’s request is also privately hidden.Towards above three cases, security protection and privacypreservation are both considered without revealing sensitiveaccess desire related information.In the cloud environments, a reasonable security protocolshould achieve the following requirements. 1) Authentication:a legal user can access its own data fields, only theauthorized partial or entire data fields can be identified bythe legal user, and any forged or tampered data fields cannotdeceive the legal user. 2) Data anonymity: any irrelevantentity cannot recognize the exchanged data and communicationstate even it intercepts the exchanged messages viaan open channel. 3) User privacy: any irrelevant entity cannotknow or guess a user’s access desire, which represents auser’s interest in another user’s authorized data fields. Ifand only if the both users have mutual interests in each other’sauthorized data fields, the cloud server will inform thetwo users to realize the access permission sharing. 4) Forwardsecurity: any adversary cannot correlate two communicationsessions to derive the prior interrogations accordingto the currently captured messages.Researches have been worked to strengthen security protectionand privacy preservation in cloud applications, andthere are various cryptographic algorithms to addresspotential security and privacy problems, including securityarchitectures [4], [5], data possession protocols [6], [7], datapublic auditing protocols [8], [9], [10], secure data storageand data sharing protocols [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16],access control mechanisms [17], [18], [19], privacy preservingprotocols [20], [21], [22], [23], and key management [24],[25], [26], [27]. However, most previous researches focus onthe authentication to realize that only a legal user can accessits authorized data, which ignores that different users maywant to access and share each other’s authorized data fieldsto achieve productive benefits. When a user challenges thecloud server to request other users for data sharing, theaccess request itself may reveal the user’s privacy no matterwhether or not it can obtain the data access permissions. Inthis work, we aim to address a user’s sensitive access desirerelated privacy during data sharing in the cloud environments,and it is significant to design a humanistic securityscheme to simultaneously achieve data access control,access authority sharing, and privacy preservation.In this paper, we address the aforementioned privacyissue to propose a shared authority based privacy-preservingauthentication protocol (SAPA) for the cloud data storage,which realizes authentication and authorization withoutcompromising a user’s private information. The main contributionsare as follows.1) Identify a new privacy challenge in cloud storage,and address a subtle privacy issue during a userchallenging the cloud server for data sharing, inwhich the challenged request itself cannot reveal theuser’s privacy no matter whether or not it can obtainthe access authority.2) Propose an authentication protocol to enhance auser’s access request related privacy, and the sharedaccess authority is achieved by anonymous accessrequest matching mechanism.3) Apply ciphertext-policy attribute based access controlto realize that a user can reliably access its owndata fields, and adopt the proxy re-encryption toprovide temp authorized data sharing among multipleusers.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.Section 2 introduces related works. Section 3 introduces thesystem model, and Section 4 presents the proposed authenticationprotocol. The universal composability (UC) modelbased formal security analysis is performed in Section 5Finally, Section 6 draws a conclusion.2 RELATED WORKDunning and Kresman [11] proposed an anonymous IDassignment based data sharing algorithm (AIDA) for multipartyoriented cloud and distributed computing systems. Inthe AIDA, an integer data sharing algorithm is designed ontop of secure sum data mining operation, and adopts a variableand unbounded number of iterations for anonymousassignment. Specifically, Newton’s identities and Sturm’stheorem are used for the data mining, a distributed solutionof certain polynomials over finite fields enhances the algorithmscalability, and Markov chain representations are usedto determine statistics on the required number of iterations.Liu et al. [12] proposed a multi-owner data sharingsecure scheme (Mona) for dynamic groups in the cloudapplications. The Mona aims to realize that a user cansecurely share its data with other users via the untrustedcloud server, and can efficiently support dynamic groupinteractions. In the scheme, a new granted user can directlydecrypt data files without pre-contacting with data owners,and user revocation is achieved by a revocation list withoutupdating the secret keys of the remaining users. Access controlis applied to ensure that any user in a group can anonymouslyutilize the cloud resources, and the data owners’real identities can only be revealed by the group managerfor dispute arbitration. It indicates the storage overheadand encryption computation cost are independent with theamount of the users.Fig. 1. Three possible cases during data accessing and data sharing incloud applications.242 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015Grzonkowski and Corcoran [13] proposed a zeroknowledgeproof (ZKP) based authentication scheme forcloud services. Based on the social home networks, a usercentric approach is applied to enable the sharing of personalizedcontent and sophisticated network-based servicesvia TCP/IP infrastructures, in which a trusted third partyis introduced for decentralized interactions.Nabeel et al. [14] proposed a broadcast group key management(BGKM) to improve the weakness of symmetrickey cryptosystem in public clouds, and the BGKM realizesthat a user need not utilize public key cryptography, andcan dynamically derive the symmetric keys during decryption.Accordingly, attribute based access control mechanismis designed to achieve that a user can decrypt thecontents if and only if its identity attributes satisfy the contentprovider’s policies. The fine-grained algorithm appliesaccess control vector (ACV) for assigning secrets to usersbased on the identity attributes, and allowing the users toderive actual symmetric keys based on their secrets andother public information. The BGKM has an obviousadvantage during adding/revoking users and updatingaccess control policies.Wang et al. [15] proposed a distributed storage integrityauditing mechanism, which introduces the homomorphictoken and distributed erasure-coded data to enhance secureand dependable storage services in cloud computing. Thescheme allows users to audit the cloud storage with lightweightcommunication overloads and computation cost,and the auditing result ensures strong cloud storage correctnessand fast data error localization. Towards the dynamiccloud data, the scheme supports dynamic outsourced dataoperations. It indicates that the scheme is resilient againstByzantine failure, malicious data modification attack, andserver colluding attacks.Sundareswaran et al. [16] established a decentralizedinformation accountability framework to track the users’actual data usage in the cloud, and proposed an objectcenteredapproach to enable enclosing the logging mechanismwith the users’ data and policies. The Java ARchives(JAR) programmable capability is leveraged to create adynamic and mobile object, and to ensure that the users’data access will launch authentication. Additionally, distributedauditing mechanisms are also provided to strengthenuser’s data control, and experiments demonstrate theapproach efficiency and effectiveness.In the aforementioned works, various security issues areaddressed. However, a user’s subtle access request relatedprivacy problem caused by data accessing and data sharinghas not been studied yet in the literature. Here, we identifya new privacy challenge, and propose a protocol not onlyfocusing on authentication to realize the valid data accessing,but also considering authorization to provide the privacy-preserving access authority sharing. The attributebased access control and proxy re-encryption mechanismsare jointly applied for authentication and authorization.3 SYSTEM MODELFig. 2 illustrates a system model for the cloud storage architecture,which includes three main network entities: users(Ux), a cloud server (S), and a trusted third party._ User. An individual or group entity, which owns itsdata stored in the cloud for online data storage andcomputing. Different users may be affiliated with acommon organization, and are assigned with independentauthorities on certain data fields._ Cloud server. An entity, which is managed by aparticular cloud service provider or cloud applicationoperator to provide data storage and computingservices. The cloud server is regarded as anentity with unrestricted storage and computationalresources._ Trusted third party. An optional and neutral entity,which has advanced capabilities on behalf of theusers, to perform data public auditing and disputearbitration.In the cloud storage, a user remotely stores its data viaonline infrastructures, flatforms, or software for cloud services,which are operated in the distributed, parallel, andcooperative modes. During cloud data accessing, the userautonomously interacts with the cloud server without externalinterferences, and is assigned with the full and independentauthority on its own data fields. It is necessary toguarantee that the users’ outsourced data cannot be unauthorizedaccessed by other users, and is of critical importanceto ensure the private information during the users’data access challenges. In some scenarios, there are multipleusers in a system (e.g., supply chain management), and theusers could have different affiliation attributes from differentinterest groups. One of the users may want to accessother associated users’ data fields to achieve bi-directionaldata sharing, but it cares about two aspects: whether theaimed user would like to share its data fields, and how toavoid exposing its access request if the aimed user declinesor ignores its challenge. In the paper, we pay more attentionon the process of data access control and access authoritysharing other than the specific file oriented cloud datamanagement.In the system model, assume that point-to-point communicationchannels between users and a cloud server are reliablewith the protection of secure shell protocol (SSH). Therelated authentication handshakes are not highlighted inthe following protocol presentation.Towards the trust model, there are no full trust relationshipsbetween a cloud server S and a user Ux._ S is semi-honest and curious. Being semi-honest meansthat S can be regarded as an entity that appropriatelyfollows the protocol procedure. Being curiousFig. 2. The cloud storage system model.LIU ET AL.: SHARED AUTHORITY BASED PRIVACY-PRESERVING AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL IN CLOUD COMPUTING 243means that S may attempt to obtain Ux’s privateinformation (e.g., data content, and user preferences).It means that S is under the supervision of itscloud provider or operator, but may be interested inviewing users’ privacy. In the passive or honest-butcuriousmodel, S cannot tamper with the users’ datato maintain the system normal operation with undetectedmonitoring._ Ux is rational and sensitive. Being rational means thatUx’s behavior would be never based on experienceor emotion, and misbehavior may only occur for selfishinterests. Being sensitive means that Ux is reluctantto disclosure its sensitive data, but has stronginterests in other users’ privacy.Towards the threat model, it covers the possible securitythreats and system vulnerabilities during cloud data interactions.The communication channels are exposed in public,and both internal and external attacks exist in the cloudapplications [15]. The internal attacks mainly refer to theinteractive entities (i.e., S, and Ux). Thereinto, S may be selfcenteredand utilitarian, and aims to obtain more user datacontents and the associated user behaviors/habits for themaximization of commercial interests; Ux may attempt tocapture other users’ sensitive data fields for certain purposes(e.g., curiosity, and malicious intent). The externalattacks mainly consider the data CIA triad (i.e., confidentiality,integrity, and availability) threats from outside adversaries,which could compromise the cloud data storageservers, and subsequently modify (e.g., insert, or delete) theusers’ data fields.4 THE SHARED AUTHORITY BASED PRIVACYPRESERVINGAUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL4.1 System InitializationThe cloud storage system includes a cloud server S, andusers {Ux} (x ¼ f1; . . .;mg, m 2 N_). Thereinto, Ua and Ubare two users, which have independent access authoritieson their own data fields. It means that a user has an accesspermission for particular data fields stored by S, and theuser cannot exceed its authority access to obtain other users’data fields. Here, we consider S and {Ua, Ub} to present theprotocol for data access control and access authority sharingwith enhanced privacy considerations. The main notationsare introduced in Table 1.Let BG ¼ ðq; g; h;G;G0; e;HÞ be a pairing group, in whichq is a large prime, {G;G0} are of prime order q, G ¼ hgi ¼ hhi,and H is a collision-resistant hash function. The bilinearmap e : G _ G ! G0 satisfies the bilinear non-degenerateproperties: i.e., for all g; h 2 G and a; b 2 Z_q , it turns out thateðga; hbÞ ¼ eðg; hÞab, and eðg; hÞ 6¼ 1. Meanwhile, eðg; hÞ canbe efficiently obtained for all g; h 2 G, and it is a generatorof G0.Let S and Ux respectively own the pairwise keys {pkS,skS} and {pkUx , skUx }. Besides, S is assigned with all users’public keys {pkU1 ; . . . ; pkUm}, and Ux is assigned with pkS.Here, the public key pkt ¼ gskt ðmod qÞ (t 2 fS;Uxg) and thecorresponding privacy key skt 2 Z_q are defined accordingto the generator g.Let FðRUyUx ðRUxUy ÞT Þ¼Cont2Zq describe the algebraic relation of{RUyUx , RUxUy }, which are mutually inverse access requests challengedby {Ux, Uy}, and Cont is a constant. Here, Fð:Þ is acollision-resistant function, for any randomized polynomialtime algorithm A, there is a negligible function pðkÞ for asufficiently large value k:Probhfðx; x0Þ; ðy; y0Þg Að1kÞ : ðx 6¼ x0; y 6¼ y0Þ^F_RUxUy_RU0yU0x_T_¼ Conti_ pðkÞ:Note that RU_ Uyis a m-dimensional Boolean vector, inwhich only the _-th pointed-element and the y-th selfelementare 1, and other elements are 0. It turns out that:_ FðRUyUx ðRUxUy ÞT Þ¼Fð2Þ¼Cont means that both Ux and Uy areinterested in each other’s data fields, and the twoaccess requests are matched;_ FðRUyUx ðRU~xUy ÞTÞ ¼ FðRU~yUx ðRUxUy ÞTÞ ¼ Fð1Þ means thatonly one user (i.e., Ux or Uy) is interested in theother’s data fields, and the access requests are notmatched. Note that U~x/U~y represents that the user isnot Ux/Uy;_ FðRU~yUx ðRU~xUy ÞTÞ ¼ Fð0Þ means that neither Ux nor Uy isinterested in each other’s data fields, and the twoaccess requests are not matched.Let A be the attribute set, there are n attributesA ¼ fA1;A2; . . .; Ang for all users, and Ux has its own attributeset AUx _ A for data accessing. Let AUx and PUx bemonotone Boolean matrixes to represent Ux’s data attributeaccess list and data access policy._ Assume that Ux has AUx ¼ ½aij_n_m, which satisfiesthat aij ¼ 1 for Ai 2 A, and aij ¼ 0 for Ai =2 A._ Assume that S owns PUx ¼ ½pij_n_m, which is appliedto restrain Ux’s access authority, and satisfies thatpij ¼ 1 for Ai 2 PUx , and pij ¼ 0 for Ai =2 PUx. Ifaij _ pij8i ¼ f1; . . . ; ng; j ¼ f1; . . .;mg holds, it willbe regarded that AUx is within PUx ’s access authoritylimitation.TABLE 1Notations244 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015Note that full-fledged cryptographic algorithms (e.g.,attribute based access control, and proxy re-encryption) canbe exploited to support the SAPA.4.2 The Proposed Protocol DescriptionsFig. 3 shows the interactions among {Ua, Ub, S}, in whichboth Ua and Ub have interests on each other’s authorizeddata fields for data sharing. Note that the presented interactionsmay not be synchronously launched, and a certaintime interval is allowable.4.2.1 {Ua, Ub}’s Access Challenges and S’s Responses{Ua, Ub} respectively generate the session identifiers {sidUa ,sidUb }, extract the identity tokens {TUa , TUb }, and transmits{sidUakTUa , sidUbkTUa} to S as an access query to initiate anew session. Accordingly, we take the interactions of Uaand S as an example to introduce the following authenticationphase. Upon receiving Ua’s challenge, S first generatesa session identifier sidSa , and establishes the master publickey mpk ¼ ðgi; h; hi; BG; eðg; hÞ;HÞ and master privacy keymsk ¼ ða; gÞ. Thereinto, S randomly chooses a 2 Zq, andcomputes gi ¼ gaiand hi ¼ hai_1(i ¼ f1; . . . ; ng 2 Z_).S randomly chooses s 2 f0; 1g_, and extracts Ua’s accessauthority policy PUa ¼ ½pij_n_m (pij 2 f0; 1g), and Ua isassigned with the access authority on its own data fieldsDUa within PUa ’s permission. S further defines a polynomialFSa ðx; PUa Þ according to PUa and TUa :FSa ðx; PUaÞ ¼Yn;mi¼1;j¼1ðx þ ijHðTUa ÞÞpij ðmod qÞ:S computes a set of values {MSa0, MSa1, fMSa2ig, MSa3,MSa4} to establish the ciphertext CSa ¼ fMSa1; fMSa2ig;MSa3;MSa4g, and transmits sidSakCSa to Ua.MSa0 ¼ HðPUakDUakTUaksÞ;MSa1 ¼ hFSa ða;PUa ÞMSa0 ;MSa2i ¼ ðgiÞMSa0 ; ði ¼ 1; . . . ; nÞ;MSa3 ¼ Hðeðg; hÞMSa0Þ            s;MSa4 ¼ HðsidUaksÞ      DUa :Similarly, S performs the corresponding operationsfor Ub, including that S randomly chooses a0 2 Zq ands02 f0; 1g_, establishes {g0i, h0i}, extracts {PUb , DUb },defines FSb ðx; PUb Þ, and computes {MSb0, MSb1, fMSb2ig,MSb3, MSb4} to establish the ciphertext CSb fortransmission.4.2.2 {Ua, Ub}’s Data Access ControlUa first extracts it data attribute access list AUa ¼ ½aij_(aij 2 f0; 1g, aij _ pij) to re-structure an access listLUa ¼ ½lij_n_m for lij ¼ pij _ aij. Ua also defines a polynomialFUa ðx;LUa Þ according to LUa and TUa :FUa ðx;LUaÞ ¼Yn;mi¼1;j¼1ðx þ ijHðTUa ÞÞlij ðmod qÞ:It turns out that FUa ðx;LUa Þ satisfies the equationFUa ðx;LUaÞ ¼Yn;mi¼1;j¼1ðx þ ijHðTUa ÞÞpij_aij¼ FSa ðx; PUa Þ=FSa ðx;AUa Þ:Afterwards, Ua randomly chooses b 2 Zq, and the decryptionkey kAUa for AUa can be obtained as follows:kAUa ¼ ðgðbþ1Þ=FSa ða;AUa Þ; hb_1Þ:Ua further computes a set of values {NUa1, NUa2, NUa3}.Here, fSai is used to represent xi’s coefficient inFSa ðx; PUa Þ, and fUai is used to represent xi’s coefficientin FUa ðx; LUa Þ:NUa1 ¼e MSa21;Yni¼1ðhiÞfUaihfUa0!;NUa2 ¼ eYni¼1ðMSa2iÞfUai; hb_1!;NUa3 ¼ eðgðbþ1Þ=FSa ða;AUa Þ;MSa1Þ:Fig. 3. The shared authority based privacy-preserving authentication protocol.LIU ET AL.: SHARED AUTHORITY BASED PRIVACY-PRESERVING AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL IN CLOUD COMPUTING 245It turns out that eðg; hÞMSa0 satisfies the equationeðg; hÞMSa0 ¼NUa3ðNUa1NUa2Þ_ _1=fUa0:For the right side of (1), we have,NUa1 ¼ egaiMSa0 ;Yni¼1ðhiÞfUaihfUa0!¼ eðg; hÞaMSa0Pni¼1ðai_1fUaiþfUa0Þ¼ eðg; hÞMSa0FUa ða;LUa Þ;NUa2 ¼ eYni¼1gaiMSa0fUai; hb_1!¼ eðg; hÞMSa0_Pni¼1aifUaiþfUa0_fUa0_ðb_1Þ¼ eðg; hÞMSa0bFUa ða;LUaÞ_MSa0fUa0 ;NUa3 ¼ egðbþ1Þ=FSa ða;AUa Þ; hfSa0MSa0Yni¼1ðhiÞfSaiMSa0!¼ eðg; hÞðbþ1Þ=FSa ða;AUa ÞFSa ða;PUa ÞMSa0¼ eðg; hÞMSa0bFUa ða;LUaÞþMSa0FUa ða;LUa Þ:Ua locally re-computes {s‘, M‘Sa0}, derives its own authorizeddata fields DUa , and checks whether the ciphertext CSais encrypted by M‘Sa0. If it holds, Ua will be a legal user thatcan properly decrypt the ciphertext CSa ; otherwise, the protocolwill terminates‘ ¼ MSa3       Hðeðg; hÞMSa0 Þ;M‘Sa0 ¼ H_PUakDUakTUaks‘_;DUa ¼ MSa4    H_sidUaks‘_:Ua further extracts its pseudonym PIDUa , a sessionsensitiveaccess request RUbUa, and the public key pkUa .Here, RUbUa is introduced to let S know Ua’s data accessdesire. It turns out that RUbUa makes S know the facts: 1) Uawants to access Ub’s temp authorized data fields _DUb ;2) Ra will also agree to share its temp authorized datafields _DUa with Ub in the case that Ub grants its request.Afterwards, Ua randomly chooses rUa 2 Z_q , computes aset of values {MUa0, MUa1, MUa2, MUa3} to establish a ciphertextCUa , and transmits CUa to S for further access requestmatchingMUa0 ¼ HðsidSakPIDUaÞ             RUbUa;MUa1 ¼ gpkUa rUa ;MUa2 ¼ eðg; hÞrUa ;MUa3 ¼ hrUa :Similarly, Ub performs the corresponding operations,including that Ub extracts AUb , and determines {LUb ,FUb ðx;LUb Þ, fUbi}. Ub further randomly chooses b0 2 Zq, andcomputes the values {NUb1, NUb2, NUb3, s0‘, M‘Ub} to derive itsown data fields DUb . Ub also extracts its pseudonym PIDUband an access request RUaUbto establish a ciphertext CUb withthe elements {MUb0;MUb1;MUb2;MUb3}.4.2.3 {Ua, Ub}’s Access Request Matching and DataAccess Authority SharingUpon receiving the ciphertexts {CUa , CUb } within an allowabletime interval, and S extracts {PIDUa , PIDUb } to derivethe access requests {RUbUa , RUaUb}:RUbUa ¼ HðsidSakPIDUaÞ   MUa0;RUaUb ¼ HðsidSbkPIDUbÞ     MUb0:S checks whether {RUbUa , RUaUb} satisfy FðRUbUa ðRUaUb ÞTÞ ¼Fð2Þ ¼ Cont. If it holds, S will learn that both Ua and Ubhave the access desires to access each other’s authorizeddata, and to share its authorized data fields with each other.S extracts the keys {skS, pkUa , pkUb } to establish the aggregatedkeys {kS, kSu } by the Diffie-Hellman key agreement,and computes the available re-encryption key kUu for Uu(u 2 fa; bg):kS ¼ ðpkUapkUb ÞskS ¼ gðskUaþskUb ÞskS ;kSu ¼ ðpkUu ÞskS ¼ gskUuskS ;kUu ¼ kSu=pkUu :S performs re-encryption to obtainM0Uu1. Towards Ua/Ub,S extracts Ub/Ua’s temp authorized data fields _DUb/ _DUa tocomputeM0Ub2/M0Ua2:M0Uu1 ¼ ðMUu1ÞkUu ¼ gkSurUu ;M0Ua2 ¼ MUa2EkSb ð _DUa Þ;M0Ub2 ¼ MUb2EkSa ð _DUb Þ:Thereafter, S establishes the re-structured ciphertextC0Uu ¼ ðM0Uu1;M0Uu2;MUu3Þ, and respectively transmits{C0UbkkS, C0UakkS} to {Ua, Ub} for access authority sharing.Upon receiving the messages, Ua computes kSa ¼ ðpkSÞskUa ,and performs verification by comparing the followingequation:e_M0Ub1; h_¼?eðgkS=kSa;MUb3Þ:For the left side of (2), we have,e_M0Ub1; h_¼ e_ggskUbskS rUb ; h_:For the right side of (2), we have,e_gkS=kSa;MUb3_¼ eðgðpkSÞskUb ; hrUb Þ¼ eðg; hÞgskSskUb rUb :246 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015Ua derives Ub’s temp authorized data fields _DUb :_DUb ¼ E_1kSa_M0Ub2e_M0Ub1; h__kSa=kS_:Similarly, Ub performs the corresponding operations,including that Ub obtains the keys {kS, kSb }, checks Ub’svalidity, and derives the temp authorized data field _DUa .In the SAPA, S acts as a semi-trusted proxy to realize{Ua, Ub}’s access authority sharing. During the proxy reencryption,{Ua, Ub} respectively establish ciphertexts{MUa1, MUb1} by their public keys {pkUa , pkUb }, and S generatesthe corresponding re-encryption keys {kUa , kUb} for {Ua,Ub}. Based on the re-encryption keys, the ciphertexts {MUa1,MUb1} are re-encrypted into {M0Ua1, M0Ub1}, and {Ua, Ub} candecrypt the re-structured ciphertexts {M0Ub1, M0Ua1} by theirown private key {skUa , skUb } without revealing any sensitiveinformation.Till now, {Ua, Ub} have realized the access authority sharingin the case that both Ua and Ub have the access desireson each other’s data fields. Meanwhile, there may be othertypical cases when Ua has an interest in Ub’s data fields witha challenged access request RUbUa .1. In the case that Ub has no interest in Ua’s data fields,it turns out that Ub’s access request RUbUband RUbUa satisfythat FðRUbUa ðRUbUb ÞT Þ¼Fð1Þ. For Ua, S will extract adummy data fields Dnull as a response. Ub will beinformed that a certain user is interested in its datafields, but cannot determine Ua’s detailed identityfor privacy considerations.2. In the case that Ub has an interest in Uc’s data fieldsrather than Ua’s data fields, but Uc has no interest inUb’s data fields. It turns out that the challengedaccess requests RUbUa , RUcUb, and RU~bUc satisfy thatFðRUbUa ðRUcUb ÞT Þ¼FðRUcUb ðRU~bUc ÞT Þ¼Fð1Þ, in which U~b indicatesthat the user is not Ub. Dnull will be transmitted to{Ua, Ub, Uc} without data sharing.In summary, the SAPA adopts integrative approaches toaddress secure authority sharing in cloud applications._ Authentication. The ciphertext-policy attribute basedaccess control and bilinear pairings are introducedfor identification between Uu and S, and only thelegal user can derive the ciphertexts. Additionally,Uu checks the re-computed ciphertexts according tothe proxy re-encryption, which realizes flexible datasharing instead of publishing the interactive users’secret keys._ Data anonymity. The pseudonym PIDUu are hiddenby the hash function so that other entities cannotderives the real values by inverse operations.Meanwhile, U~u ’s temp authorized fields _DU~uareencrypted by kSu for anonymous data transmission.Hence, an adversary cannot recognize thedata, even if the adversary intercepts the transmitteddata, it will not decode the full-fledged cryptographicalgorithms._ User privacy. The access request pointer (e.g., RUxUu) iswrapped along with HðsidSukPIDUu Þ for privatelyinforming S about Uu’s access desires. Only if bothusers are interested in each other’s data fields, S willestablish the re-encryption key kUu to realize authoritysharing between Ua and Ub. Otherwise, S willtemporarily reserve the desired access requests for acertain period of time, and cannot accurately determinewhich user is actively interested in the otheruser’s data fields._ Forward security. The dual session identifiers {sidSu ,sidUu } and pseudorandom numbers are introducedas session variational operators to ensure the communicationsdynamic. An adversary regards theprior session as random even if {S, Uu} get corrupted,or the adversary obtains the PRNG algorithm. Thecurrent security compromises cannot correlate withthe prior interrogations.5 FORMAL SECURITY ANALYSIS WITH THEUNIVERSAL COMPOSABILITY MODEL5.1 PreliminariesThe universal composability model specifies an approachfor security proofs [28], and guarantees that the proofs willremain valid if the protocol is modularly composed withother protocols, and/or under arbitrary concurrent protocolexecutions. There is a real-world simulation, an ideal-worldsimulation, and a simulator Sim translating the protocolexecution from the real-world to the ideal-world. Additionally,the Byzantine attack model is adopted for securityanalysis, and all the parties are modeled as probabilisticpolynomial-time Turing machines (PPTs), and a PPT captureswhatever is external to the protocol executions. Theadversary controls message deliveries in all communicationchannels, and may perform malicious attacks (e.g., eavesdropping,forgery, and replay), and may also initiate newcommunications to interact with the legal parties.In the real-world, let p be a real protocol, Pi (i ¼ f1; . . . ;Ig 2 N_) be real parties, and A be a real-world adversary. Inthe ideal-world, let F be an ideal functionality, ~ Pi bedummy parties, and ~A be an ideal-world adversary. Z is aninteractive environment, and communicates with all entitiesexcept the ideal functionality F. Ideal functionality acts asan uncorruptable trusted party to realize specific protocolfunctions.Theorem 1. UC Security. The probability, that Z distinguishesbetween an interaction of A with Pi and an interactionof ~A with ~ Pi, is at most negligible probability. We havethat a real protocol p UC-realizes an ideal functionality F,i.e., IdealF; ~ A;Z  Realp;A;Z.The UC formalization of the SAPA includes the idealworldmodel Ideal, and the real-world model Real._ Ideal: Define two uncorrupted idea functionalities{Faccess, Fshare}, a dummy party ~ P (e.g., ~ Uu, ~ S,u 2 fa; bg), and an ideal adversary ~ A. { ~ P, ~ A} cannotestablish direct communications. ~ A can arbitrarilyinteract with Z, and can corrupt any dummy party~ P, but cannot modify the exchanged messages._ Real: Define a real protocol pshare (run by a partyP including Uu and S) with a real adversary A andan environment Z. Each real parties canLIU ET AL.: SHARED AUTHORITY BASED PRIVACY-PRESERVING AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL IN CLOUD COMPUTING 247communicate with each other, and A can fully controlthe interconnections of P to obtain/modify theexchanged messages. During the protocol execution,Z is activated first, and dual session identifiersshared by all the involved parties reflects theprotocol state.5.2 Ideal FunctionalityDefinition 1. Functionality Faccess. Faccess is an incorruptibleideal data accessing functionality via available channels, asshown in Table 2.In Faccess, a party P (e.g., Uu, S) is initialized (via inputInitialize), and thereby initiates a new session along withgenerating dual session identifiers {sidUu , sidSu }. P followsthe assigned protocol procedure to send (via input Send)and receive (via input Receive) messages. A random numberrPu is generated by P for further computation (via inputGenerate). Data access control is realized by checking{sendð:Þ, recð:Þ, localð:Þ} (via input Access). If P is controlledby an ideal adversary ~ A, four types of behaviors may beperformed: ~ A may record the exchanged messages on listenedchannels, and may forward the intercepted messagesto P (via request Forward); ~ A may record the state ofauthentication between Uu and S to interfere in the normalverification (via request Accept); ~ A may impersonate anlegal party to obtain the full state (via request Forge), andmay replay the formerly intercepted messages to involvethe ongoing communications (via request Replay).Definition 2. Functionality Fshare. Fshare is an incorruptibleideal authority sharing functionality, as shown in Table 3.Fshare is activated by P (via input Activate), and the initializationis performed via Initialize of Faccess. The accessrequest pointers {RUbUa , RUaUb} are respectively published andchallenged by {Ua, Ub} to indicate their desires (via inputChallenge). The authority sharing between {Ua, Ub} is realized,and the desired data fields { _D Ub , _D Ua } are accordinglyobtained by {Ua, Ub} (via input Share). If P is controlled byan ideal adversary ~ A, ~ A may detect the exchanged challengedaccess request pointer RUxUu(via request Listen); ~ Amay record the request pointer to interfere in the normalauthority sharing between Ua and Ub (via requestForge/Replay).In the UC model, Faccess and Fshare formally define thebasic components of the ideal-world simulation._ Party. Party P refers to multiple users Uu (e.g., Ua,Ub), and a cloud server S involved in a session.Through a successful session execution, {Uu, S} establishauthentication and access control, and {Ua, Ub}TABLE 3Ideal Authority Sharing Functionality: FshareTABLE 2Ideal Data Accessing Functionality: Faccess248 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015obtain each other’s temp authorized data fields fordata authority sharing._ Session identifier. The session identifiers sidUu andsidSu are generated for initialization by the environmentZ. The ideal adversary ~ A may control and corruptthe interactions between Uu and S._ Access request pointer. The access request pointer RUxUuis applied to indicate Uu’s access request on Ux’stemp authorized data fields _D Ux .5.3 Real Protocol pshareA real protocol pshare is performed based on the ideal functionalitiesto realize Fshare in Faccess-hybrid model.Upon input ActivateðPÞ at P (e.g., Uu, and S), P is activatedvia Fshare to trigger a new session, in whichInitialize of Faccess is applied for initialization and assignment.{initðsidUu ; UuÞ, initðsidSu ; SÞ} are respectivelyobtained by {Uu, S}. Message deliveries are accordingly performedby inputting Send and Receive. Upon input Sendfrom Uu, Uu records and outputs sendðsidUu ; UuÞ via Faccess.Upon input Receive from S, S obtains recðsidUu ; SÞ viaFaccess. Upon input GenerateðSÞ from S, S randomly choosesa random number rSu to output genðrSu Þ and to establisha ciphertext for access control. Upon input GenerateðUuÞfrom Uu, Uu generates a random number rUu for furtherchecking the validity of {AUu , PUu }. Upon input Access fromUu, Uu checks whether {sendð:Þ, recð:Þ, localð:Þ} are matchedvia Faccess. If it holds, output validðAUu; PUu Þ is valid. Else,output invalidðAUu; PUu Þ and terminate the protocol. Uponinput ChallengeðUxÞ from Uu, Uu generates an accessrequest pointer RUxUu, and outputs challðRUxUu Þ to Ux. Uponinput Send from Uu, Uu computes a message mUu , recordsand outputs sendðmUu ; UuÞ via Faccess, in which RUxUuiswrapped in mUu . Upon input Receive from S, S obtainsrecðmUu ; SÞ for access request matching. Upon inputShareð _D Ub ; UaÞ and Shareð _D Ua ; UbÞ from {Ua, Ub}, S checkswhether {challðRUbUa ; UaÞ, challðRUaUb; UbÞ} are matched. If itholds, output shareð _D Ub ; UaÞ to Ua and shareð _D Ua ; UbÞ to Ubto achieve data sharing. Else, output shareðDnull; UaÞ to Uaand shareðDnull; UbÞ to Ub for regular data accessing.5.4 Security Proof of pshareTheorem 3. The protocol pshare UC-realizes the ideal functionalityFshare in the Faccess-hybrid model.Proof: Let A be a real adversary that interacts with the partiesrunning pshare in the Faccess-hybrid model. Let ~ A bean ideal adversary such that any environment Z cannotdistinguish with a non-negligible probability whether itis interacting with A and pshare in Real or it is interactingwith ~ A and Fshare in Ideal. It means that there is a simulatorSim that translates pshare procedures into Real suchthat these cannot be distinguished by Z.Construction of the ideal adversary ~ A: The ideal adversary~ A acts as Sim to run the simulated copies of Z, A,and P. ~ A correlates runs of pshare from Real into Ideal:the interactions of A and P is corresponding to the interactionsof ~ A and ~ P. The input of Z is forwarded to A asA’s input, and the output of A (after running pshare) iscopied to ~ A as ~ A’s output.Simulating the party P. Uu and S are activated and initializedby Activate and Initialization, and ~ A simulatesas A during interactions._ Whenever ~ A obtains {initðsidPu ; PÞ, genðrPu ; PÞ}from Faccess, ~ A transmits the messages to A._ Whenever ~ A obtains {recð:Þ, sendð:Þ} from Faccess,~ A transmits the messages to A, and forwards A’sresponse forwardðsidPu;mPu ; PÞ to Faccess._ Whenever ~ A obtains {initð:Þ, forwardð:Þ} fromFaccess, S transmits the messages to A, and forwardsA’s response acceptðPÞ to Faccess._ Whenever ~ A obtains challðRUxUu; UuÞ from Fshare, ~ Atransmits the message to A, and forwards A’sresponse listenðRUxUu; UuÞ to Fshare.Simulating the party corruption. Whenever P is corruptedby A, thereby ~ A corrupts the corresponding ~ P. ~ Aprovides A with the corrupted parties’ internal states._ Whenever ~ A obtains accessðDUu Þ from Faccess, ~ Atransmits the message accessðDUu Þ to A, and forwardsA’s response acceptðPÞ to Faccess._ Whenever ~ A obtains challðRUxUu; UuÞ from Fshare, ~ Atransmits the message to A, and forwards A’sresponse shareðDnull; UuÞ to Fshare.Ideal and Real are indistinguishable: Assume that {CS,CUu} respectively indicate the events that corruptions of{S, U}. Z invokes Activate and Initialize to launch aninteraction. The commands Generate and Access areinvoked to transmit accessðDUu Þ to ~ A, and A respondsacceptðPÞ to ~ A. Thereafter, Challenge and Share areinvoked to transmit shareðRUxUu; UuÞ, and A respondsshareðDnull; UuÞ to ~ A. Note that initð:Þ independentlygenerates dual session identifiers {sidUu , sidSu }, and thesimulations of Real and Ideal are consistent eventhough ~ A may intervene to prevent the data access controland authority sharing in Ideal. The pseudorandomnumber generator (introduced in {initð:Þ, genð:Þ}), andthe collision-resistant hash function (introduced in{accessð:Þ, shareð:Þ}) are applied to guarantee that theprobability of the environment Z can distinguish theadversary’s behaviors in Ideal and Real is at most negligible.The simulation is performed based on the fact thatno matter the event CS or CUu occurs or not, Therefore,pshare UC-realizes the ideal functionality Fshare in theFaccess-hybrid model. tu6 CONCLUSIONIn this work, we have identified a new privacy challengeduring data accessing in the cloud computing to achieveprivacy-preserving access authority sharing. Authenticationis established to guarantee data confidentiality anddata integrity. Data anonymity is achieved since thewrapped values are exchanged during transmission. Userprivacy is enhanced by anonymous access requests to privatelyinform the cloud server about the users’ accessLIU ET AL.: SHARED AUTHORITY BASED PRIVACY-PRESERVING AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL IN CLOUD COMPUTING 249desires. Forward security is realized by the session identifiersto prevent the session correlation. It indicates that theproposed scheme is possibly applied for privacy preservationin cloud applications.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was funded by DNSLAB, China Internet NetworkInformation Center, Beijing 100190, China. [28] R. Canetti, “Universally Composable Security: A New Paradigmfor Cryptographic Protocols,” Proc. 42nd IEEE Symp. Foundationsof Computer Science (FOCS ’01), pp. 136-145, Oct. 2001.Hong Liu is currently working toward the PhDdegree at the School of Electronic and InformationEngineering, Beihang University, China. Shefocuses on the security and privacy issues inradio frequency identification, vehicle-to-grid networks,and Internet of Things. Her research interestsinclude authentication protocol design, andsecurity formal modeling and analysis. She is astudent member of the IEEE.Huansheng Ning received the BS degree fromAnhui University in 1996 and the PhD degreefrom Beihang University in 2001. He is a professorin the School of Computer and CommunicationEngineering, University of Science andTechnology Beijing, China. His current researchinterests include Internet of Things, aviationsecurity, electromagnetic sensing and computing.He has published more than 50 papers injournals, international conferences/workshops.He is a senior member of the IEEE.250 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015Qingxu Xiong received the PhD degree in electricalengineering from Peking University, Beijing,China, in 1994. From 1994 to 1997, he worked inthe Information Engineering Department at theBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunicationsas a postdoctoral researcher. He is currentlya professor in the School of Electrical andInformation Engineering at the Beijing Universityof Aeronautics and Astronautics. His researchinterests include scheduling in optical and wirelessnetworks, performance modeling of wirelessnetworks, and satellite communication. He is a member of the IEEE.Laurence T. Yang received the BE degree incomputer science from Tsinghua University,China, and the PhD degree in computer sciencefrom the University of Victoria, Canada. He is aprofessor in the School of Computer Scienceand Technology at the Huazhong University ofScience and Technology, China, and in theDepartment of Computer Science, St. FrancisXavier University, Canada. His research interestsinclude parallel and distributed computing,and embedded and ubiquitous/pervasive computing.His research is supported by the National Sciences and EngineeringResearch Council and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.He is amember of the IEEE.” For more information on this or any other computing topic,please visit our Digital Library at ET AL.: SHARED AUTHORITY BASED PRIVACY-PRESERVING AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL IN CLOUD COMPUTING 251


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