Online Complaint Registration Android


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Online Complaint  Registration  and Management system in web application


The main purpose of this project is to help the public in knowing their place details and getting their problems solved in online without going to the officer regularly until the problem is solved. By this system the public can save his time and eradicate corruption in government offices. Its main purpose is to provide a smart and easy way through web Application for Complaint registration and its Tracking and eradicating system and thus t prevent Corruption. We want to develop an we application for complaint management system where public can register complaints for street light, water pipe leakage, rain water drainage, road reconstruction and garbage system.To transform the existing manual compliant management system into an automate system. Online Complaint Registration Android For the better management of complaints to improve efficiency. All the peoples living in housing schemes societies can used our android application for the registration of their complaints within India.



1.1 Background

The main purpose of this project is to help the public in knowing their place details and getting their problems solved in online without going to the officer regularly until the problem is solved. By this system the public can save his time and eradicate corruption in government offices. Its main purpose is to provide a smart and easy way through web Application for Complaint registration and its Tracking and eradicating Bribing system and thus to prevent Corruption. We want to develop an web application for Complaint complaint management .To transform the existing manual compliant management system into an automate system. For the better management of complaints to improve efficiency.



Existing System and Problem Definition

  • Its manual process for earlier system.
  • Its more time consume for all process.
  • Need for more resources.
  • There is chance to not resolve user problems.
  • Management is chance to forget user complaints.

Proposed Solution:

  • We want to replace existing manual CMS (Complaint Management System) to an android application changing the way of maintaining android based app projects for college students the society complaints will also prove to be beneficial, improve efficiency and save us time.


  • By using this application people can register their complaints in easy and proper format .They will also well aware about their complaints app ideas for college students projectsThey can also provide feedback about their complaints progress weather they are satisfied or not.


  • Also they user can post their requirements through this system and they will receive  needed items by admin  within couple of hours ,its depending on the needed item and you can also look your status about your requirements. These user complaints, needs requirements maintain by admin. The User post feedback of these CMS system and admin can view this feedback.

3.3 Software and Hardware Requirements

Hardware Requirements:


  • System : Dual Core
  • Hard Disk : 40 GB.
  • Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
  • Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
  • Mouse : Logitech.
  • RAM : 256 Mb.



Software Requirements:

Operating System       :    Windows OS

Front-End                   :    HTML, CSS, and JS

Back-End                    :    Angular JS, PHP,MYSQL

Tool                             :    XAMPP